[link] and no one can remember who stuffed her in there in the first place. That’s a different girl from Spike Jones’ Brownie with the light blue jeans, who was as sweet as liquorice beans, in case you’d forgotten. Nor did the Spice Girls sing, “The race is on to get out on the bottle,”…
Turks care about 5 times more about the living conditions of their fellow Europeans than the Spanish, says this chart, more freebies here. Someone who takes this stuff at face value has got to be pretty damn stupid. (The survey sponsor is the University of Tilburg (UvT), which used to be called the Catholic University…
Zapatero is biding his time, is the premonitory drift of Quarrell betweene the Dutch & English by Anon (via Polly Curtis@Guardian): The Belgick Frogge, out of the bogge, with Brittish mouse doth strive: The Iberian Kite meane while by slight, surprizeth both alive. While for their shares, of Indian wares, English & Dutch doe brawle;…
The Guardian: I never said we should end the CAP now or renegotiate it overnight. Le Monde: Je n’ai jamais dit que je voulais changer la PAC maintenant ou la renégocier en une nuit
I suspect Amando de Miguel’s “se deliveran groserías” comes from Alfredo Ochoa’s “se deliveran grocerías” and that it’s an invention designed to discredit the EU’s future sole official language, Spanglish. I’m not going to believe that a Dominican corner store in NYC would offer to deliver insults until someone shows me a storefront or flyer…
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