Mad Raffa

My old mate Rafael Ramos is making stuff up again, says Jordi Orwell.

Ah, Barcelona!

Suit, aged 35-40, phoning his mum from the park to complain about the composition of his packed lunch. The detention of a postman for distributing kiddie porn … via the net. If you’ve experienced Correos’ notion of customer service you’ll have to agree that he’s not completely unhinged.

Mapfumo on the rocks

Global warming is a reality in Gracia, where the guy at Bar Musical Zimbabwe has included a sun setting behind a desert island (I always thought Zimbabwe was land-locked) on his storefront sign. Despite claims to the contrary, Zimbabwean “traditional” music styles are just as un-proto-democratic as is the Ampurdan dance, the sardana. However, like…

Dutch referenda

Most of the Spanish press screw up and write that today’s referendum is the first in Holland’s history. Not true: constitutional referenda were held in 1796, 1798 and 1801, while Holland was occupied by … the French. Symbolic local referenda were also held in 1952 over a European constitution whose progress was blocked by the…

Wrong again

I must admit I always thought Deep Throat would look like this.

Anchovy alert

Speaking as a trombonist, I wonder whether the lack of anchovies in the Bay of Biscay, noted by Nick Lloyd, isn’t almost entirely due to alterations in sea temperature. I don’t think other variables altered greatly and this winter was the coldest for a long time, so maybe they just went some place warmer, like…

More oil wars coming up

As southern powers figure whether they’re going to end up fighting each other over energy resources, the Guardian is doing its bit this morning for Geldof’s save-the-world PR machine. Shame they didn’t get round to covering oil giant Repsol, which, hand in hand with the Spanish socialists, is diversifying away from its Spanish and Argentine…

And another one…

They’re falling like things that fall: today it’s Bitneriàceo, which was both frustrating and enjoyable.