A Moroccan blogger on the London bombs

I hadn’t looked hard enough, but it turns out (thanks Karim) that there are a lot of Moroccan bloggers out there, including novelist Sanaa Elaji, MP Khalid El Hariry (no relative of Wilfred the Hairy), and Ayoub, an authentic Blue Man (this craze is not limited to Montana or Kentucky); there’s also the beginnings of…


Onze Taal > some inaccessible site: “Mierenneuker [ant-fucker] is the swearword most frequently used against the [Dutch] police.” Here, however, is the case of the man who was fined for calling a traffic warden an ant-fucker, appealed, and won: according to the judge, “ant-fucker” can also be complimentary. The British equivalent of an ant-fucker is…

Sound as a pound

‘”[Shahzad Tanweer] is sound as a pound,” said Azi Mohammed, a close friend. “The idea that he was involved in terrorism or extremism is ridiculous. The idea that he went down to London and exploded a bomb is unbelievable.” Nothing much rhymes with “euro”.