Postage stamp scam

Bitter tears from the greedy idiots who bought–or thought they’d bought–unregulated investments–stamps–in the expectation of becoming fabulously rich instantly. And a big hand for the media who, with unaccustomed taste and tact, are seeking to profit from any distress by setting up email, as opposed to stamp-on-envelope, help facilities.

Mock Welsh

Benjamin Zimmer links to a paper by Jane H Hill on Mock Spanish (with references to Jocular Yiddish, and others). I wonder how much of this is applicable to the experience of Welsh immigrants to Renaissance London, with a context that included repressive cultural legislation and the use of caricatural Welsh English (eg devoiced initial…

Signor No

I suspect Ian Fleming knew (Noel Coward, allegedly: “Dear Ian, the answer to Dr No is no, no, no, no!”) the stereotypical Signor No in Thomas Dekker’s The Noble Spanish Soldier (1622-ish):

Who’s plagiarising whom?

There are remarkable similarities between the styleguides of the Guardian and of the University of Kent. Check eg “a or an before h?”, “abbreviations”, “accents”.