Early Basque / stars of colour

Given the interesting record of Basque philology, I wouldn’t be surprised if the early Basque fragments found at Iruña-Veleia (near Vitoria-Gasteiz) turned out to be fakes. The inscription urdin isar, blue/greyish star, certainly leaves me curious. Off-hand I can think of no pre-C18th texts in any Western European language that refer to stars by their colour, unless they are of (Zoroastrian) gold. I believe the star of David didn’t become blue until the nineteenth century. (Did you know that the Trinidad and Tobago police use the Magen David as their emblem?)

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  1. Probably you know it already, as it made to national media, but here are the Iruña-Veleia reports that show it was all a fake ( and not a good one ).

    Not a spe, but

    It seemesa report by a ciallyn nelsewher

  2. Thanks for the link. I’d actually forgotten about this post! I think that it’s a fair bet that anywhere research is conducted within a limited, incestuous pool of people and the results published in a language virtually no one else can understand, large quantities of it will turn out to be invented or absurdly misinterpreted. Irish archaeology went through a grim patch round the time its practitioners used to draw maps of Celtic emigration as Germany followed by a large patch of sea and then Ireland.

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