Hampshire Bowman

I hear it is being torn apart to make it into a boring restaurant with bar, just like all the other pubs in the region. Hohum, back to drinking cider out of a plastic bag on a bench.

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  1. Please look for yourself before publishing “what you hear!.
    Last I saw, there were 6 real ales from various parts of the country on offer.
    The old bar is exactly as it was, except that children under the age of 14 aren’t allowed. There is a new bar, called the stable bar. It has a real fireplace, is nicely furnished, children are allowed in, it is a non-smoking bar. Heather the landlady has a real love for this pub and has long been a part of it. This is the second time she has been back to the place. True, you can get good food at this pub, but why shouldn’t you? The pub still has the reputation of running a sort of rolling beer festival, there are a couple of beers that you can always get, but the rest are constantly changing. Go on, check it out and see for yourself. Make your own mind up, if you have one. take a look at http://www.hampshirebowman.com
    The two CAMRA guys that were in there last week, were delighted with what they saw, and it will appear inthe Good Pub Guide.

  2. I’m sorry, I should have corrected this before. With the crazies having taken over the asylum in Cheriton, the news that you people were rebuilding left me–and others–with horrific visions of being left without being able to drink anywhere in the district. It’s fine in its new incarnation & I look forward to coming back–that’s if you serve the mindless.

  3. Sounds to me like Trevor is ONE OF US (although obviously not quite such a frequent or regular visitor to our beloved watering-hole as some). :) I’m always delighted when someone is prepared to admit that they were wrong, as doing so is my own life’s work. A good many requlars shared Trevor’s concerns when we learned of the extension work that was planned for The Bowman, but all our fears have come to nought, and dare I say that the place is actually improved by the alterations. You are certainly not mindless Trevor, just mindful of change, and I feel sure that you will be most welcome any time you want a pint or two in the best pub anywhere.

  4. Trevor, thanks for the great reply you are indeed one of the good ones. As far a Cheriton is concerned, watch this space.
    Ray and Martin will soon be brewing again. Actually, quite close to the Hampshire Bowman. If you want the whole story on that, email me on from the bowman website. Anyway Bowman Ales Limited (only a tenuous connection to the pub (they have drunk there since they were teenaagers))
    In a couple of weeks you will be able to see the whole story on http://www.bowman-ales.co. So, watch that space.
    Exciting times in Hampshire for beer lovers.

  5. And you certainly aren’t mindless. My turn to apologise.
    I am only connected to the pub in that I drink there, and maintain their website with another patron, as a hobby.

  6. The bowman-ales.com website is up and running.
    News of the Brewery’s progress towards completion is on the home page and regularly updated.
    Don’t hang me if I’m wrong, but I believe they should be brewing in December. They will concentrate on getting the brews totally right and one by one.

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