
Thanks to MM (with a little help from BB) for news of the English musician who used to play bugle calls on his rifle using a mouthpiece inserted into the barrel. The photograph recalls the following Spanish joke:

Two hippies from Gracia are shrooming in the woods when they find a shotgun.
“Hey man, get that,” says the one.
“Yeah man,” says the other, “but what is it?”
They pick it up and examine it carefully.
“Dude, I’ve got it,” says the first hippie. “It’s a really cool pair of binoculars for looking at the stars. See, it totally kills the ambient light!”
And he holds it up to the sky with one barrel either side of his nose.
“What can you see?” asks the other.
“Nothing, man, it’s all dark. Will you see if there’s a switch to turn it on.”
The other finds the switch, turns it on, and the explosion blows his friend’s head apart.
“Dammit man,” he says, “take that look off your face–I’m scared too.”

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