Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Fri Jan 03 20:38 Longino ibérico
- Sat Jan 04 13:14 @GroovesharkHelp hiya, is there any way to get someone's broadcast status (on/off) without going to the site or using the api?
- Sat Jan 04 15:54 La codicia del dinero es mondonguera y hace morcillas de sangre de toda broza, por ser toda de un color - López...
- Wed Jan 08 10:42 RT @alfons_pc: Aquest matí un altre avistament netíssim de l'illa de Mallorca dsd obsFabra. @btvmeteo @meteocat #o024 @MeteoMauri
- Thu Jan 09 21:35 asesino del born en libertad hasta que se resuelva su indulto
- Thu Jan 23 08:11 Toronto Jamaican, go Rob!
- Thu Jan 23 08:25 Every Earth view from “Gravity” identified in Google Earth
- Tue Jan 28 19:48 Moral panics, Tim Martin and motorways
- Wed Jan 29 15:58 Nuevo diseño sitio web
Bizarrely, Twitter data downloads don't include others' comments on your tweets, or tweets on which you comment, e.g.:
/ I say something... and so it's impossible to show tweet trees involving third parties correctly.// Someone replies
/// I reply to them
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