
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Sat Oct 04 18:16 DDoS contra/against ... y otros/and others. Au revoir!
- Sun Oct 05 17:31 (English) Daisy Bell aka the little dicky bird
- Thu Oct 16 23:44 (English) El santo mocaro, a snot-nosed pseudo-saint in a Lingua Franca-flecked song by Juan del Encina?
- Fri Oct 17 16:40 Se nos fue un grande:
- Mon Oct 20 21:24 (Nederlands) Waaruit blijkt dat de melodie van “‘t Was aan de Costa del Sol” oorspronkelijk Duits-Italiaanse is
- Wed Oct 22 15:34 Aún más animales desastrosos
- Thu Oct 23 09:01 (English) Music over the wire
- Fri Oct 24 14:16 Dear Customs@HMRC (en)
- Fri Oct 24 21:13 RT @CubedLink: Well, damn. Forget Earth. All of time and space is screwed. #DoctorWho has the Ebola virus. And went bowling!
- Mon Oct 27 18:19 Comment: @ibexsalad @kalebeul I figure the guy's going to get his mum to try to translate that term
- Thu Oct 30 23:36 El submarino casi está (es)
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