Even the Russian central bank is struggling

Though its interest rate hike press release is only slightly more difficult to understand than Joseph Cotterill’s comment, and, despite its rather pressing concerns, it is still doing much better than the Ajuntament de Vic. Here’s a free comma to hang behind “loans” in para 2: ,.

Appreciating the ugliness of (Spanish) vernacular architecture

José Fariña is writing about Galicia, but his comments are generally applicable: form follows function, so rural flight and the conversion of C20th smallholding culture into industrial agriculture and bear forests will inevitably lead to the entire replacement of the gloriously heterogeneous building culture of the past by drab “rural” 2nd home estates of Asterix…

Non-compete agreements for freelance translators: the Groucho clause

My standard fare is NL/FR>EN legal and industrial, which goes down with a general lack of fuss and fury. But every now and again some loon writes, looking for someone to undercut Google Translate on, say, Serbian>Welsh, and sometimes I put out my horns, like the little Kyloe cow (do click!): for Romanian, for example,…