EU to end export to other member states of British knitting patterns

Unless you pay a cut to Amazon.

Here’s a discussion on Etsy re the new EU VAT regulations, and here’s HMRC being keen to appear to be helpful (in fact other national tax authorities seem to be going through the same motions, so presumably a user manual was mailed to them all) to all those people out there who make a couple of grand annually selling glove patterns to the benighted Bulgars and who will now need to rethink. Digital objects are to be whacked on 1/1/2015, and physical objects apparently on 1/1/2016, so that’s pretty big.

It looks like a quid pro quo from Brussels for Amazon etc: you’ll end up paying more tax, but we’re going to close down a lot of your smaller competition and drive the mum ‘n’ pop traders into your arms.

Curiously this is not news in Spain. Yes it is, e.g.. I haven’t looked at Germany, whose smallish traders export immense quantities of excellent junk, but I think they’re rather less smallish than the Brits, and they’re already VAT-regd.

It’s a shame, because the sale of knitting patterns was all that was separating a vast swathe of British society from the gin on Monday mornings in February.

This is really going to help the Tories, and Labour too. Well, not, obviously.

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