Tweets for April 2017


Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer

  • Sun Apr 02 19:49 Nursery: "I keep 10 hedgehogs against the slugs. The badgers used to get em but a couple of gamekeepers at LL get me real lion wee now."
  • Sun Apr 02 20:39 What's it all about?
  • Mon Apr 03 07:32 Ban the apostrophe and the grocers will go away
  • Mon Apr 03 09:33 Johnny Meijer, accordion: Mercury / Crickets' Wedding
  • Tue Apr 04 07:26 Why does the surname Weinert suddenly become more frequent in the late 19th century?
  • Tue Apr 04 07:31 Comment: Is it e.g. just a transliteration or literacy thing, i.e. always there but never written (in Roman script)?
  • Tue Apr 04 07:34 Comment: Or did they suddenly crack procreation and start going at it like the noble rabbit?
  • Tue Apr 04 08:38 Advantages of walking round town in the rain: even if your shoes say "cic ciac," the birds are singing "cip cip"
  • Tue Apr 04 08:39 Comment: More from Italy's great female group, the Trio Lescano
  • Tue Apr 04 08:44 Comment: I didn't know the backstory: daughters of Hungarian acrobat and Dutch-Jewish vaudeville singer
  • Tue Apr 04 11:16 Just seen the first clinically obese Jamaican lady in sweaty black lycra of spring.
  • Tue Apr 04 11:16 Comment: Bradford Observer 1870: A few steps from the pea saloons we found a number of caravans containing fat ladies, fire-eaters, and learned pigs
  • Tue Apr 04 11:55 How to make donkey music - Simon Witgeest, Natürliches Zauber-Buch, Nuremberg 1718
  • Tue Apr 04 11:59 A use for bagpipes: walking on water (also Witgeest Natürliches Zauber-Buch)
  • Tue Apr 04 12:27 Comment: Mnemonic in Dutch is ezelsbruggetje, but I don't think that's related
  • Wed Apr 05 09:22 Comment: @azforeman But has it produced a film as bad as Jewtopia?
  • Wed Apr 05 20:18 I too was honoured once. Libations were made to me. I was a god!
  • Wed Apr 05 21:07 Frustrating when word to be translated appears only to be used in that sense in the text at hand: отхватать, meaning something like perform
  • Wed Apr 05 21:39 Great article by Anna Nekrylova on showman Christian Lehman at Petersburg Shrovetide Fair
  • Wed Apr 05 21:40 Comment: Stuff about Russian pantomime fascinating - how much like early C18th Parisian théâtre de la foire
  • Wed Apr 05 21:41 Comment: BTW, once more, street organ Petrushka
  • Thu Apr 06 07:22 Spot language errors in image illustrating Daily Mail article on British kids failure to learn foreign languages.
  • Thu Apr 06 07:23 Comment: Here's a free apostrophe: '
  • Thu Apr 06 08:53 Overcrowded old folks' home - should be called Nooks & Grannies
  • Thu Apr 06 10:10 Mirror thinks Gibraltar is an island
  • Thu Apr 06 10:12 Comment: Or do they think the eponymous islands at Cookham on Thames are under threat?
  • Thu Apr 06 10:14 Comment: Sashes Island by Gilbert Spencer. No rocks in view
  • Thu Apr 06 10:58 Dryden: Each poem his perfection has apart
  • Thu Apr 06 11:04 Tambourines are shy birds and do not tame easily.
  • Thu Apr 06 11:08 But seriously, does a tambourine rattle, jingle, buzz...? "Play" is morally & acoustically inferior
  • Thu Apr 06 11:12 Comment: Dickens says it depends on the component: jingle, thump...
  • Fri Apr 07 06:59 Nothing against the innate right of Azerbaijani government officials to buy to let in Manchester, but...
  • Fri Apr 07 07:49 Early Victorian pantomime in Dublin identical in spirit, if not execution, to Petersburg, close to 1700s Parisian théâtre de la foire
  • Fri Apr 07 09:23 I've done this with a sousaphone in a modest breeze. Not pretty
  • Fri Apr 07 09:41 Comment: Wind gets in your bell (end) = far worse than smoke getting in your eyes
  • Fri Apr 07 10:22 Comment: @tombcn Vibrant wanker.
  • Fri Apr 07 10:31 Thessalonian tosspots
  • Fri Apr 07 10:32 Comment: @tombcn Trochee jockey.
  • Fri Apr 07 12:01 Grock. "I'm speaking English." "Why?" "I thought you were English" "But I'm not!" "What are you then?" "A cyclist!"
  • Fri Apr 07 12:02 Comment:
  • Sun Apr 09 19:59 How come Fowler 1926 doesn't seem to be downloadable? The great man died in 33! Read great chunks of host's copy this AM - tremendous stuff
  • Mon Apr 10 10:34 New blog entry: I know where your house lives.
  • Mon Apr 10 11:29 organ: great box of whistles, the devil's whistles

  • Mon Apr 10 14:13 All will be well: there is an Esperanto March
  • Tue Apr 11 07:37 So I'm not alone in wondering
  • Tue Apr 11 07:38 Comment: see also "Jared - Diamond Accent Necklace Sterling Silver/10K Rose Gold"
  • Tue Apr 11 11:36 The Wreck of the Carousal, from The First and Last Days of Alcohol the Great
  • Thu Apr 13 03:39 AutoDraw figuring what the thing you've drawn is thinking about
  • Thu Apr 13 06:18 Petrushka's Cry - elderly installation
  • Thu Apr 13 09:38 The Disintegration Loops
  • Thu Apr 13 11:34 Comment: @resi_analyst Crazy that reliable £/m2 absent for so long - basic metric on the continent
  • Thu Apr 13 13:01 Discovered: a Dutchman who's never heard the expression "perfidious Albion." There is still hope.
  • Thu Apr 13 14:07 A Season in Bath: Furst thear's the cressent lik a streat bent crucked lik a bo / but only houses on 1 side with pillers in a row
  • Thu Apr 13 14:07 Comment:
  • Thu Apr 13 17:06 Oistrakh playing chess at Stalin's funeral
  • Thu Apr 13 18:50 Comment: @baeing @resi_analyst @darkgreener @undertheraedar @sara_izzM If it weren't for fact that the m2 in EPC used is utterly unreliable. Spanish escritura m2 values often dodgy, but nothing beats the Brits
  • Fri Apr 14 08:23 Apparently I've been staggering around the place as the project-pawn of some delirious Frenchman. Load of swank
  • Fri Apr 14 09:11 RT @PackhorseBath: We have a room, a garden, some beer & some cider. Open Easter Sunday. Bring the family. @HoneysCider @AbbeyAles https:/…
  • Fri Apr 14 09:14 Re quinoa: El primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno, Peruvian chronicle ca 1615 has a glossary: quinua, comida de palomas (pigeon food)
  • Fri Apr 14 09:18 Comment: And bear in mind that the author, Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala, is a local. Dreadful stuff
  • Fri Apr 14 11:39 "Pity the poor Viking" Worst line in increasingly terrible TV series: "Ragnar, you need to be more supportive"
  • Fri Apr 14 20:49 Prize for best haircut seen on a translator in 2017 goes to Huan Porrah, Andalusian translator of Le Petit Prince
  • Sat Apr 15 08:26 Insult to injury: you can't even cook with low-alcohol "wine"
  • Sat Apr 15 08:33 Most unfortunate end to playacting Judas
  • Sat Apr 15 11:24 It's not that I want to get up at 4, it's just that there ain't much choice when you've got a blackbird singing "Oh, what a beautiful day"
  • Sat Apr 15 11:27 Comment: @spectator I hope this isn't the old one about the blind man going past a fishmonger.
  • Mon Apr 17 07:59 Not every day a ten-year-old says of one, "He's very good at hopping."
  • Mon Apr 17 08:03 Comment: @tombcn Berkeley Trump-boy helmet, and you're away
  • Mon Apr 17 08:11 I'm much further than I thought from NOx pollution via @indiatimes
  • Mon Apr 17 09:06 String of thats
  • Mon Apr 17 09:40 More maddening repetition from Uncle Kurt
  • Mon Apr 17 09:48 Comment: John Neal, Rachel Dyer (1828), about the Salem witch trials
  • Mon Apr 17 10:08 Post-Napoleonic eclipse of string bands by brass bands in Black Forest: Berthold Auerbach Schwarzwälder Dorfgeschichten
  • Mon Apr 17 11:26 Lib Dems at 5/1 in Gorton will do nicely, thanks. Got Brexit and Trump right, so who knows
  • Mon Apr 17 12:36 Tip for those having a week off: alcohol-free "wine" is just about drinkable mixed with mature elderberry vodka
  • Mon Apr 17 16:18 So what happened to Just Eat delivery robots? Was the December Greenwich "trial" such a disaster?
  • Tue Apr 18 20:21 Wish I could run as fast as that with half a kilo of sugar down me trowsies. Best safety lies in fear, etc etc
  • Tue Apr 18 20:25 (1) Not allowed to sing Candle In The Wind in the Elton John modernist photo exhib
  • Tue Apr 18 20:26 (2) Not allowed to show me posterior end in Wolfgang Tillmans' genitalia exhibit
  • Tue Apr 18 20:26 (3) W African preacher on no 26 bus not pleased by rival discourse in favour of spaghetti
  • Tue Apr 18 20:27 (4) What's it all coming to?
  • Tue Apr 18 21:39 Comment: @HomewoodCheeses @waitrose @maldonsalt N Sea still looks pretty big from here
  • Wed Apr 19 07:14 RT @SocialHistoryOx: It's 1535. Your army has a bit of cash to spare. Why not redecorate your siege machine to look like a dragon?
  • Wed Apr 19 07:16 Human barrel organ: Tooro monotonal flutes, unfortunately no polyphony
  • Wed Apr 19 07:50 How to choose a wet nurse, 1744
  • Wed Apr 19 09:28 RT @Pornosawa: Michi Panero. Paseo en Astorga I Michi preguntando sobre su padre en Astorga, 2003, muchas risas
  • Thu Apr 20 16:59 Stoke Newington needs a mobile gambling business based off the organ top
  • Thu Apr 20 20:27 What do you call it when you *stand* cross-legged, leaning on your walking cane or whatever? Not bladdered
  • Thu Apr 20 20:29 Comment:
  • Thu Apr 20 20:33 Comment: There's a word in Tamil
  • Thu Apr 20 20:52 así se trabaja - el desencanto
  • Mon Apr 24 11:35 The ambiguous Oxford comma
  • Mon Apr 24 21:06 Comment: @oobr There is something in there that will leave you without issue. Just wear your trousers in your socks and you'll be fine.
  • Mon Apr 24 21:10 Piano tuner: It's going to cost you a hundred. Pub landlord: Can you just do half? Piano tuner: OK.
  • Tue Apr 25 07:53 ben trovato?
  • Tue Apr 25 08:24 Wondrous words: wonderel, wonderling, wonder-monger
  • Tue Apr 25 08:50 'honey blobs,' as the Scotch call gooseberries - 1746
  • Tue Apr 25 08:53 Rental receipts from "Punchinello ye Itallian popet player for his Booth at Charing cross" 1666
  • Tue Apr 25 09:50 Made you look, made you stare, made you lose your underwear Or that's what used to happen
  • Tue Apr 25 12:15 Haven't been to this pub yet
  • Tue Apr 25 13:15 Pulcinella fanfare 1/2 original: Здравствуйте, господа! Сам пришел сюда, вас повеселить да себе что-нибудь в карман положить!
  • Tue Apr 25 13:15 Pulcinella fanfare 2/2 translation: My lords, good day! I’ve come your way to entertain, and hope therewith my purse to gain!
  • Tue Apr 25 17:50 Perils of Winchester busking
  • Tue Apr 25 17:52 Comment: Poles are not notorious teetotalitarians, but one I spoke to the other day agreed that no-one does chaotic public drunkenness like us Brits
  • Tue Apr 25 18:54 Pero tendrá igualmente categoria lechal?
  • Tue Apr 25 19:19 RT @ValaAfshar: A brilliant illustration of how much public space we've surrendered to cars
  • Tue Apr 25 19:22 My world is crumbling: I don't think Victorians exclaimed "Fancy that!"
  • Wed Apr 26 06:22 A Canting Rogue has "such Phrases as make the slovenly Low Dutch A polite Dialect" Great poem:
  • Wed Apr 26 20:38 English lesson?
  • Wed Apr 26 20:47 Comment: They're thinking of the Yiddish, "in der shul"
  • Thu Apr 27 11:12 If you kill a cockroach & its body doesn't change colour then go back and kill it properly. #RoachCoach
  • Thu Apr 27 14:52 RT @jackcevans: John Hemming's website for his election in Yardley looks like it was made in 1999 on Netscape
  • Thu Apr 27 19:35 Upside down Kim Kardashian: "zaytan One who moves his shoulders in walking from abundance of flesh"
  • Thu Apr 27 20:34 Klondike gold-diggers, watch out for those hurdy-gurdy girls! (From Partridge)
  • Thu Apr 27 20:39 Google Book Search nostalgia veto
  • Thu Apr 27 21:30 Choir of ship air horns in Barcelona harbour, 27/4/2017 17:00
  • Thu Apr 27 21:30 Comment: @Transblawg She was SO misunderstood
  • Fri Apr 28 10:45 If we're going to give bonobos full human rights, then we should be fair and give Spanish estate agents candidate status
  • Fri Apr 28 20:52 Entra un marroquí en mi bar: "Hay que matar a los jodíos". Y enseguidita lo hemos matado.
  • Fri Apr 28 21:53 Por fin Pep de Casa López, Gracia me ha explicado como hacer una tortilla española de 24 huevos
  • Sat Apr 29 09:56 Don't read much modern, but Anya Lipska's NE London-Polak thriller, Where the Devil Can't Go, was excellent Sat AM ttp://
  • Sat Apr 29 09:56 Comment: So, when's the film?
  • Sat Apr 29 11:09 how do you get rid of the machine translation on Google Reviews? waste of space
  • Sat Apr 29 11:56 Hadn't noticed this Paul Klee barrel organ: Dance, you monster, to my soft song. Small organ grinder right of crank on menorah-crowned box
  • Sat Apr 29 19:06 Se le murió el perrito del abuelito incansable de la Montaña Pelada. Buhu!

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