
Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Sun May 01 00:39 Historia de Barcelona, 1/5: #otd * ~1115: Masacre de Almorávides cerca de Castelldefels (246+247) * 1493: Carta de Pedro Mártir sobre Colón (74) * 1535: Carlos I come en la calle Ancha par ver entrar las galeras de Andrea Doria antes de la…
- Sun May 01 20:42 Howells' panting hart in a delectable evensong at Ripon, but spring is in the trees on Headingley Hill
- Mon May 02 00:44 Historia de Barcelona, 2/5: #otd * 1348: Manifestación contra la peste negra (53) * 1874: Noticia del levantamiento del cerco carlista de Bilbao; empiezan las obras del nuevo mercado del Borne, inaugurado octubre de 1875 (416+39/i) * 1891: Ataque…
- Mon May 02 14:39 Richmond (North Yorks) Mayfest, most shambolic experience in a while. Main venue is the market place, a busy car park - well nigh impossible for low volume acts. If you want to drop into the castle to see the morris dancers, you have to pay English Heritage 8.70 pp
- Mon May 02 14:42 Comment: Weird: an elderly duo struggling through their purportedly Richmond heritage material, getting to jazz, the guy trotting out the false etymology of the word < "gism", which he informs us is "male semen"
- Mon May 02 19:09 @Queenoftherobot darling, how has this woman usurped your place?
- Tue May 03 00:55 Historia de Barcelona, 3/5: #otd * 1632: Entran el rey y sus hermanos, dando lugar a dos semanas de fiestas (3082) * 1860: Elogio a los voluntarios catalanes en la Guerra de África leído debajo de un arco de triunfo en calle Carmen (367+225/i) *…
- Wed May 04 00:57 Historia de Barcelona, 4/5: #otd * 1529: Carlos I abre cortes (6) * 1638: Incendio y saqueo popular del hospital de la Santa Cruz (308) * 1770: Fundación del antecesor de la Real Academia de Medicina de Cataluña (7) * 1836: Se suprime una…
- Wed May 04 21:07 Trip Leeds-London in a fortnight: flying 50 quid cheaper than the cheapest train fare
- Wed May 04 21:18 @Wensleydale_Ale Had some of your lovely beer last week & would like some more. Do you retail in Leeds?
- Wed May 04 21:34 Comment: @katobell
- Wed May 04 21:39 My Yorkshire Almanac, a bedtime project, now has historical material for 50% of the days of the year - many thanks to @aa42john for his kind assistance, & I'll be back in touch soon
- Thu May 05 00:57 Historia de Barcelona, 5/5: #otd * 1918: Pla: Una de les tavernes de més còmoda freqüentació de la vila és la que té Gervasi a la Plaça Nova * 1937: Asesinado el secretario general de UGT y consejero de la Generalidad, el sindicalista estalinista…
- Thu May 05 19:04 Local election nice & quiet - no leaflets, no knocker-uppers, no high st muggers. But today met Green candidate in Hyde Park. Policies: increase bin collection frequency (LibDems have it covered), oppose airport expansion (already cancelled). Nothing about cars, so no vote
- Thu May 05 19:05 Comment: @tombcn Never trust a music teacher on any serious issue
- Thu May 05 22:04 Historia de Barcelona, 6/5: #otd * 1836: Instálase la primera sociedad de seguros mutuos contra incendios en Barcelona (0+436) * 1848: San Juan de la Puerta Latina y los impresores (279) * 1918: Pla: «La Revista» de López-Picó publica un llarg…
- Fri May 06 19:08 Toddler today at 20 metres on the drive witnessed a peregrine falcon plummet from the sky onto a flying pigeon - great feather burst - & then disembowel it - job done in a couple of minutes. Fascinated by the bloody mess, as was later Little J. Girls.
- Fri May 06 19:13 Quite busy at nights with the Russian translation, which is hard to warm to. There's a lot of minor stuff that's easy to love in the period Pushkin-Bulgakov, but then it starts to feel bleak, football songs aside
- Fri May 06 22:09 Historia de Barcelona, 7/5: #otd * 1824: Mandan a los constructores dirigir la lluvia por el interior de los edificios (26+54) * 1859: Real orden autorizando el (privado) Manicomio Nueva-Belén de Gracia, donde está prohibido pegar a los inquilinos…
- Sat May 07 19:41 Comment: @russellwyatt And then the monster's stood on top of the pigeon, tearing & swallowing, but looking at us with such total alpha menace. Who needs drones?
- Sat May 07 19:54 Toddler observed, sitting on her bed, saying to herself cheerfully & experimentally: "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."
- Sat May 07 19:55 Comment: Yesterday: walks in & announces, "Dreams *can* come true, mummy."
- Sat May 07 22:16 Historia de Barcelona, 8/5: #otd * 1836: Llegan los coches fúnebres (13) * 1853: Inauguración de los jardines del placer "los Campos Elíseos" entre las murallas y Gracia (257+25) * 1975: El embajador de Jordi Pujol a las naciones platillovolantes…
- Sun May 08 16:59 Mary, 80, has in the past year had covid a couple of times & broken various bits. "So, Mary, what are you doing for the jubilee?" "All us old ones are clubbing together for a party, & I'm going to get pissed & have a massive spliff."
- Sun May 08 22:23 Historia de Barcelona, 9/5: #otd * 1563: Justas en el Born (4/i) * 1950: Fundación de la SEAT (395) * ☼ 05:37-19:58, 14:21 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ Geroncio de Cervia, Gregorio Ostiense, Hermas, …
- Mon May 09 19:13 Even the scally stealing the Jag seemed to think it in bad taste to wish him good luck
- Mon May 09 22:32 Historia de Barcelona, 10/5: #otd * 1562: Motín y fuga de la cárcel (22) * 1601: Llega noticia de la canonización de Raimundo de Peñafort, el santo superyate (285+584) * 1840: Nace el primer sindicato en España, la Sociedad de Tejedores, con una…
- Tue May 10 20:02 The Bradford euphonium player keeping his instrument warm while Churchill blusters
- Tue May 10 21:28 Work music
- Tue May 10 21:49 Comment: @screwloose1980 Nice nice wheredjageddit?
- Tue May 10 22:38 Historia de Barcelona, 11/5: #otd * 1565: En la playa, la Vera Cruz lucha contra la sequía (16) * 1706: El ejército del Rey Sol huye de Barcelona bajo un eclipse solar tremendo, pactando con los migueletes en el camino (733+428/i) * 1848: Fiesta…
- Tue May 10 22:39 Comment: @jennitpk The street clutter.
- Tue May 10 22:55 Possibly the greatest poem ever on municipal affairs - check the long extract But who was Ben Hardacre of Bradford? @bradfordlibs247
- Wed May 11 19:05 Tory anti-patriots knock British cooking
- Wed May 11 22:40 Historia de Barcelona, 12/5: #otd * 1545: Obras en el palacio real para crear espacio para la Audiencia (23) * 1848: Fiesta de San Pancracio; la pereza de los catalanes (221) * 1913: Muere encarcelada Enriqueta Martí, supuesta vampira de la calle…
- Thu May 12 08:18 Hyde Park AM a bit like boarding house duty at St Chris on a dull PM: "Good, now you've pretended to pick up your dog poo." "But if you park on the zebra, what about prams?" But then the Chinese lady contorting herself absurdly against a sycamore laughs when asked if she's OK.
- Thu May 12 22:14 Is this hurrier (1842 Scriven report) a girl or a boy?
- Thu May 12 22:49 Historia de Barcelona, 13/5: #otd * 1509: Empiezan las obras de la fuente del Hospital de la Santa Cruz (79/i) * 1539: Llega noticia de la muerte de Isabel de Portugal, esposa de Carlos I (20) * 1818: Socios de la Real Academia de las Buenas…
- Fri May 13 22:53 Historia de Barcelona, 14/5: #otd * 1569: Veinte galeras salen para la Guerra de Granada (20) * 1641: Incremento en consejeros de cinco a seis (13) * 1854: Aliviado un domingo aburrido por una éxitosa manifestación a favor de la lluvia (126) *…
- Sat May 14 22:59 Historia de Barcelona, 15/5: #otd * 1387: Carta de Juan I a un matador aragonés pidiendo toros y matatoros para una corrida en Barcelona (74) * 1457: Peste (24) * 1460: Fiestas para celebrar la paz entre Carlos de Viana y Juan II (67) * 1569: …
- Sun May 15 23:00 Historia de Barcelona, 16/5: #otd * 1901: Bendición del edificio del hospital de ciegos viejos, Amparo de Santa Lucía (113+41) * 1919: Pla: Aquests últims dies he dormit molt malament * ☼ 05:29-20:05, 14:35 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación…
- Mon May 16 11:32 Toddlers all seem to eat their toast/gingerbread men/etc. topping-down in order to view the decoration. At what age does that swap, & is it due to physiological change (e.g. vision) or e.g. an ability to weigh up aesthetics vs spillage?
- Mon May 16 18:24 Comment: @DanielGalef Mainly Australian data. No, they raise the slice vertically & track the topping with their eyes & then at the last moment switch to horizontal & pop it in, topping down
- Mon May 16 18:46 The blue tits are sitting on the window sill to listen to me playing the Bach cello suites on the trombone, & the snacks they are consuming in the form of humongous fat balls are a nice extra
- Mon May 16 20:34 Is habitual proximity to a particular animal more likely to create a culinary taboo or addiction? Aka M's determination not to eat the ovine neighbours vs mine to get the toddler the chance to cook one of Black Colin's chickens
- Mon May 16 23:06 Historia de Barcelona, 17/5: #otd * 1882: Chistes sobre Lohengrin, la primera ópera de Wagner que se representa en Barcelona; comentarios de Josep Pla sobre el wagnerianismo (533+803) * 1918: Pla: El vent ha assecat el país * 1944: Intercambio de…
- Wed May 18 01:38 Historia de Barcelona, 18/5: #otd * 1343: Pedro del Punyalet sale para tomar Mallorca (19) * 1510: Relajación de las ordenanzas del gremio de los maestros de esgrima (159) * ☼ 05:27-20:07, 14:39 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%,…
- Wed May 18 08:34 A long row of students, virtually all of S/SE/E Asian heritage, sitting on a wall, waiting to go into an exam, so probably not Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies
- Wed May 18 08:40 Comment: The preteen Korean schoolboy visitor who has been put ahead a year & worries the maths syllabus is going to leave him behind when he goes home But the notion heard here that the level of popular numeracy correlates to quality of governance is scarcely borne out on the peninsula
- Wed May 18 08:46 Shuffling along Clarendon, a guy with white stick & dog with, in his wake, a student engrossed in his iPhone
Image Bruegel Parabel der blinden
- Wed May 18 08:51 Comment: Recollections of cycling Oldenzaal-Denekamp where, if the wind was against, one would look back & inevitably discover a shameless train of free-riders, bent over the handlebars & silent, who emerged from god knows where
- Wed May 18 18:35 Comment: @ibexsalad Pay an organization which awards such things?
- Wed May 18 18:37 Comment: @marybeth_w86 @UniofLeedsHeron Has anyone ever seen it eat one of the fish?
- Wed May 18 22:01 Historia de Barcelona, 19/5: #otd * 1792: Acabado el edificio de la Aduana (26+13) * 1848: Fiesta de San Ivo, elogio de la abogacía (591) * ~1893: Joan Maragall sobre el nacimiento de su hija, Helena (224+110) * 1901: El éxito de la Lliga…
- Thu May 19 07:57 Toddling across Woodhouse Moor past the statue of Arthur Wellesley, still bathed to the knees in the blood of the French enemy. "Who's that, & what did he do?" "The Duke of Wellington put cones on his head."
- Thu May 19 08:07 When the shades of night are falling / Comes a fellow ev'ryone knows: Mr Wu has photos of dealers & scholars on the street at the usual 5.30-6.30, surely with the beneplácito of cops & Babylon security. But growing material riches usually herald revolution
- Thu May 19 19:59 Comment: @LeedsLangCentre @UniversityLeeds Toddler thinks the heron will eat them all
- Thu May 19 20:17 In you-are-where-you-live: "Typical of this ecumenical attitude was Richard Garth, farmer, mason and surveyor, of Crackpot"
- Thu May 19 21:00 Gale's OCR & UI for @britishlibrary newspapers are shockingly poor - wondering how much they're making out of the deal
- Thu May 19 22:03 Historia de Barcelona, 20/5: #otd * 1562: Noticia de Felipe II de que el príncipe Carlos ya se encuentra mejor (21) * 1911: Distanciándose de la ciudad progresista de Cerdá, la revista "Cataluña" propone la creación de un Barrio Gótico como…
- Fri May 20 18:34 No one's suggesting that being a woman is a bed of roses, but if the weirdo who walked up to a lady with a disconsolate toddler & started making patronising suggestions had been a man she'd surely now be in maxillofacial
- Fri May 20 19:00 Increasingly common gag: "Do you like Peppa Pig?" "She's OK." "Daddy hates Peppa Pig."
- Fri May 20 19:40 I think it's quite common now to believe that the moon always rises at night, and at the same time
- Fri May 20 22:14 Historia de Barcelona, 21/5: #otd * 1348: Sus vecinos matan a 20 judíos por la Peste Negra sin intervención de las autoridades y con una respuesta bastante tardía por parte de Dios (413+81) * 1551: Nuestra Señora de Montserrat salva a Pere Prats de…
- Sat May 21 15:17 Comment: @duncanrobinson But many are nondom e.g. Dutch producers moved there 20 years ago because of lower environmental standards/enforcement
- Sat May 21 22:17 Historia de Barcelona, 22/5: #otd * 1640: Matanza de soldados fuera de la muralla por los somatenes; con gritos religiosos, sacan al diputado militar y dos consejeros de la cárcel, y queman casas; intento de fuga del Virrey; huye el ejército a…
- Sun May 22 09:41 Tromboned to the best of my abilities for a couple of hours yesterday in Harden, but then, walking back past the old Methodist chapel, there's a blackbird on the house opposite, feet firmly planted on the ridge tiles, singing its heart out into the eastern dusk
- Sun May 22 18:43 Comment: @lordbonkers It was horrible, but why'
- Sun May 22 22:20 Historia de Barcelona, 23/5: #otd * 1337: Privilegios para los proveedores de bienes básicos que no sean italianos (64) * 1488: Quemadas 3 personas y 20 estatuas en un auto de fe (15) * 1803: Vista de la ciudad, los encantos de la catedral,…
- Mon May 23 18:59 I and toddler often visit a centre community centre on our daytime wanders, & I've noticed that people keep pressing food on us. Perfect excuse not to invest in new summer clothes
- Mon May 23 18:59 Comment: (certain)
- Mon May 23 20:47 Nice, skint bloke who lives round the corner from one of the locations for the latest Yorkshire Ripper revival flick: "I asked them if I could be an extra, but they're bringing their own." What kind of extra?
- Mon May 23 22:22 Historia de Barcelona, 24/5: #otd * 1562: Celebración oficial de la convalecencia del príncipe Carlos (17) * 1918: Pla: Records de família * 1919: Pla: Dissabte * 1937: Largo Caballero y Companys, decididos a derrotar a los anarquistas (81) * ☼…
- Tue May 24 22:20 Monkeypox in Dutch (apenpokken), as in English & German (Affenpocken), precedes the 1958 discovery of our virus, but afaik only (western urban) Dutch has the non-medically-specific malediction, e.g. krèg de apepokke - cf. cholera, TB etc. - beautiful to hear
- Tue May 24 22:21 Historia de Barcelona, 25/5: #otd * 1448: Un terremoto daña el castillo nuevo y la luna muestra rayos de color de sangre (163) * 1533: Justas en el Born (4/i) * 1803: Un pueblo religioso, el espantoso palacio de la Virreina, la Escuela Llotja…
- Tue May 24 22:23 The toddler is going through a phase of walking up to one & saying, apparently without strategic goal, "I love you." No known paternal family precedent, but probably harmless.
- Tue May 24 23:06 @bobesse Hi Bob, I love the poem at Where did you find it & please can I borrow it for my site ?! Cheers, Trevor
- Wed May 25 09:32 Comment: @LeedsMuseums We've got a Kenyan one somewhere from around 1960, which, to the purchaser's dismay, translates as "Nice lady, very cheap"
- Wed May 25 18:39 Now that the Conservative Party has adopted Johnsonian Infallibility as dogma, it seems less bizarre that a woman would travel 5K miles from Dhaka in order to put on a full-face mask & say "Peace be with you" in Arabic to a middle-aged skinhead in a heavy metal t-shirt
- Wed May 25 19:20 Comment: Version 2 of Brian's video
- Wed May 25 22:20 Historia de Barcelona, 26/5: #otd * El Día de la Ascensión es el 26 de mayo este año; en 1848 fue el 1 de junio * 1561: Reforma interna de los (muy mundanos) mercedarios, prohibiendo los sombreros; preparaciones para una gran expedición contra los…
- Thu May 26 08:09 Comment: @tombcn What were you in prison for?
- Thu May 26 22:22 Historia de Barcelona, 27/5: #otd * 1076: Muere Ramón Berenguer I (7/i) * 1397: Llega Martín desde Sicilia para tomar posesión de la Corona de Aragón (35) * 1533: Sale vino blanco de la fuente de la Llotja para Carlos I e Isabel de Portugal…
- Fri May 27 19:09 The pleasure of cooking proper food for a larger group - everything got a bit utilitarian thru Covid, moving house, toddler
- Fri May 27 19:43 How many people have personalized their Tesla audio, not with Ferrari engine samples, but with farts?
- Fri May 27 20:23 A Cowboy For Jesus
- Fri May 27 22:25 Historia de Barcelona, 28/5: #otd * 1814: Sale el ejército francés y entran elementos del hispano-británico, incluso el Héctor de San Andrés; linchamientos y detenciones de traidores como un cierto Pujol (490+75) * 1919: Pla: Coromina, que està una…
- Sat May 28 18:57 Comment: @DanielGalef I'm buying a horse so I can walk round all day with my head up its well-soundproofed arse
- Sat May 28 22:28 Historia de Barcelona, 29/5: #otd * 1708: El comandante de las tropas austriacas es atacado por un asesino y luego por su propio ayudante de campo (86+34) * 1711: La campaña británica, arruinada por falta de dinero (295) * 1918: Pla: Compareix a…
- Sun May 29 22:32 Historia de Barcelona, 30/5: #otd * 1410: Terremoto y peste (18+17) * 1519: Juana la Loca y Carlos I ratifican los estatutos del gremio de pintores (83) * 1535: Se embarca Carlos I para intentar de arrebatar Túnez a Barbarroja (22+81/i) * 1779: …
- Mon May 30 04:21 The notion that declining a gig that forms part of a "community" celebration of the platinum grasp of the kleptocracy on the Plain People somehow evidences contempt for the latter
- Mon May 30 22:16 Comment: @DanielGalef Is the lion holding a human thigh?
- Mon May 30 22:34 Historia de Barcelona, 31/5: #otd * 1410: Muere Martín el Humano, sin sucesor y quizá envenenado por los afrodisíacos (802+82/i) * 1919: Pla: Fa una pila d’hores que dono voltes a la conversa tinguda ahir amb el meu pare * 1930: Nace el Cobi…
- Tue May 31 22:29 Historia de Barcelona, 1/6: #otd * 1460: Un rosal romano de oro para Juan II (40/i) * 1848: Fiesta de San Fortunato (78) * 1919: Pla: Diumenge * 1937: Alba & Schwartz: PSUC y la Generalidad intentan de hacer olvidar las Jornadas de Mayo (125) *…
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