Carmen de España
A not particularly serious assault on Prosper Mérimée.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
A not particularly serious assault on Prosper Mérimée.
Half roasted Frenchmen, some o’er Gratings Broil’d/Do mix with Spaniards in the Sea parboil’d;
Blasco Ibáñez says that actually we have always thought “at all hours of the Mediterranean rim.”
(Even if they can’t make a decent paella.)
Between-wars texts about Zaragoza by Germans who appear never to have visited the place.
Proud English cock, limp Latin hen: the binary opposition of English and Spanish fowls as a metaphor for the contrast between growing British military might and declining Spanish power.
Kalebeul explained.
And an explanation of why “La gata sobre el tejado de zinc” is, in metallurgical-roofing terms, an inappropriate translation of “Cat on a hot tin roof”.
Our itinerary, and that of Polo Polo on his Viaje a España.
An etymological hop from kite-flying with Juan Marsé back to Concha Piquer’s greatest hit.