According to this Expatica story, Newsweek has had to ask permission to start a French edition. Does that just mean filling in forms promising you’re not going to torture the workers nor give them burgers for lunch, or do you have to buy the minister dinner and give assurances re editorial attitudes? (This is not…
Franco Alemán over at HispaLibertas has very kindly passed on this article. In it Chicago Tribune ombudsman Don Wycliff tells the sorry tale of how, following an alert from Tim Blair, they had to get rid of Uli Schmetzer. Schmetzer had been with the paper for 20 years, but when he was caught fabricating an…
The difficulty of interpreting intent in materials published in a different language and cultural context was one of the interesting facets of the case of the Fuengirola imam, convicted of publishing with malicious intent a manual on how to beat women without leaving scars. It’s not going to get any easier here once radio and…
La Vanguardia’s incompetent in London, Rafael Ramos, used to file stories that – apart from his appalling spelling – bore remarkable resemblances to articles in The Guardian and The Times. When I caught him out the paper refused to take an interest and he started using The Times more, presumably secure in the knowledge that…
The Peckham chapter of the Taliban and a horde of Yorkshire lesbians are going to be fighting it out here for the next few days so , to remind you of how good life was before Reagan, is Radio Tirana’s old call sign. When I first found its excellent signal on the short wave in…
Shanghai Daily: “Els estrangers no compraran un periòdic xinès per a llegir la pàgina anglesa,” va dir Huang Hu, professor de periodisme en l’Universitat de Fudan. “Aquestes pàgines angleses tenen clarament un problema de col·locació.”
The Daily Mirror had at least two hacks in Barcelona at the weekend to cover a mildly alcoholic trip to the disco by honorary Brits Thierry Henry, Freddie Ljungberg, Ruud van Nistelrooy, Mikael Silvestre and Rio Ferdinand, but none of them seems to have managed to follow the players to Danzatori (which I’ve never heard…