Rafael Ramos, corresponsal de La Vanguardia a Londres, continua sorprenent per la seva incapacitat d’expressar de manera satisfactòria la seva profunda ignorància del seu país adoptiu en particular i del món en general. Com vaig assenyalar a La Vanguardia fa sis mesos, no sap escriure anglès, plagia el treball d’altres periodistes, i inventa material que…
Geen van de zes belangrijke partijen in de regionale verkiezingen volgende week zondag heeft een functionele website in het Spaans, zegt Libertad Digital vandaag. Dit ondanks het feit dat de moedertaal van meer dan de helft van de bevolking van Catalunya Spaans is. Het zeer amateuristische Españoles Bajo el Separatismo (Spanjaarden Onder het Separatisme) wil…
Crec que hi ha poca gent aquí que sap que a Berlín es va apagar la televisió anàloga a principis d’agost. Jo tampoc sabia fins avui. Aquestes pantalles són d’una època en la qual la qualitat de recepció i de reproducció era realment dolenta:
Apparently the culture section of La Vanguardia has been submitting articles to an automatic correction tool and then publishing them unchecked. So Evgeni Primakov => Vagina Permisivo and catalanista => estalinista. Does that mean that incompetent La Vanguardia ombudsman, Josep Maria Casasús, is going to blame the woes of his colleague, Rafael Ramos, on a…
Donald Luskin is trying to find out who Atrios is so he can sue him for defamation, says this post on Slashdot. So why’s Rafael Ramos not going to sue me? Via JWdB, who also has a weblog and who recently agreed to figure as kaleboel’s cosmic consultant. It was he who pointed out that…
Tony just sent me a slightly weird press release from an entity that calls itself the European Association for Sure & Secure Identification, or IDtrack for short. Things that bother us both: It calls itself European, which tends to lead one to assume some European component. Not so: the advisory board is completely Spanish (with…
A couple of profs up north have just published a book, Manual de Redacción Ciberperiodística, that explains useful things like … er … what a hyperlink is. Books like this have been remaindered for years in other countries, so how come lecturers here still get away with inflicting them on their students? Any currently blog-less…
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