March tweets
More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
More Czechs, Spike Jones, Brexit, burning Guy, Child Ballads, copyright, Robin Hood’s two pricks, and so on.
Xmas &c.
Karl Nagl’s claim that, unlike the Germans, Viennese organ-grinders are musicians, because they have “crank-sense.” And female yodelling with Dudlerinnen Trude Mally and Maly Nagl.
With a recording of a barrel alarm clock, a Shostakovich anecdote, a copyright tussle between the Russian Premier League and the Russian Authors’ Society, and more Blatner material.
A treasure trove from the tunnel bores for Amsterdam’s controversial North-South metro line.
Another abundance of redundance. Featuring Russian, German and Italian puppetry, organ-grinding, and other nonsense.
This is an option now the Casio kiddieboard is dead and there’s not enough time for the barrel organ.
Idi Amin and other celebrity accordionists