Blonde virgins

Last week I snapped a Scandinavian blonde Maria in Vilafranca del Penedès. Joan Amades (El pessebre (1959)) tells us that, in Catalan nativity scenes, the Mother of God was always represented by a young, very white girl with hyper-perfect features, and that her whiteness is both traditional and proverbial (“white as a Mother of God”).…

Yet another (2D) pessebre

In Plaça Jaume I in Vilafranca del Penedès, with the Three Kings creeping up on a haute blonde Mary:

Pere Botero's

“On Ponent Street lived another woman known as the Queen because she was daughter of one of the Three Kings”

Boil 'em!

Caganers, nation, faith

“Shit, operating as the preeminent figure of self-alienation …, becomes a symbolic medium for questioning the place of the autonomous individual in new postcolonial societies.”

A northern barbarian goes native.