Going to the dogs
Vague musings on the past and present of hare coursing and greyhound racing in Spain.
Great tunes, great doggerel, small simians
Vague musings on the past and present of hare coursing and greyhound racing in Spain.
A bit of free association, or rambling, as it is more widely known.
Yo, el vaquilla, quinqui cinema, and the usual political whining.
I do hate to be beside the seaside, unless it’s raining.
Link love for 01/06/2009.
Mid-20th century Ibero-American hits, state-controlled media, the personal and the public.
At Giseno, Lago di Como.
Minsheu’s Pleasant and Delightfull Dialogues: where did he get all that horseshit?
Italy vs England.