El santo mocaro

Snot-nosed pseudo-saints in a Lingua Franca song by Juan del Encina.

Vrou Hexe van Mallegem: St. Snotnose practises alternative medicine, top end of table at ca. a horizontal golden section.

Typhoon Buttocks?

If only the Spanish nalga were also a Latin first declension noun.

Alboraya Council’s tinker books

The reforms of the Council of Trent led to parishes registering in five books–quinque libri–the baptisms, confirmations, communions, marriages, deaths and excommunications celebrated there. Quinquilleros, hojalateros and other itinerant pot-breakers and -menders were nominally Catholic but frowned on and frequently persecuted by the establishment, so it’s good to see the Ajuntament de Alboraya drawing them…

Born, not made

The Spanish, making progress with a backlog of untranslated English snowclones?

The secret language of doctors

Why and how the 17th century Portuguese tropical medicine specialist, Aleixo de Abreu, tried to prevent proles from reading his cure for scurvy.

Scorbutic gums, CC from <a href='http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scorbutic_gums.jpg'>Wikimedia Commons</a>