Sinking Spanish bock

Spain has often been a (reluctant) Francophile, so it should surprise none but heartless materialists that–with an assist from Google Print’s OCR–“Napoleon had beer in secret correspondence with Charles [IV]’s son.” I knew that German technology took over from French after its successful demonstration in 1871, and I’d heard all about the post-WWII triumph of…

Schrödinger’s dictator

News from a Spanish newspaper of political affiliations unknown to me that Pinochet’s stroke is “developing satisfactorily” is not particularly helpful.

Shurely shome mishtake

Franco Alemán has noticed that the mosque on Hospital, Barcelona is called after the aristocrat who led the Moorish hordes into Iberia and who got a special mention in the video made by terrorists celebrating the Madrid bombings (“We will continue our jihad until martyrdom in the land of Tarik Ben Ziyad”). I’m sure that…

The worms crawled in and the worms crawled out

Towards the end of La colmena (The hive), Cela’s portrait of a post-war Madrid devoid of heroes and on the brink of oblivion, The morning ascends, little by little, climbing like a worm through the hearts of the men and the women of the city. This reminds me of the episode in Pío Baroja’s morbid…

Talking Cuban

He ventured along a path, following a field of cane whose leaves shook softly with the noise of a crushed newspaper. In an end he could make out several triangular cabins. Near these primitive houses, a dying bonfire sent winks by its embers.
“Haitians!” thought Menegildo. “They must be completely drunk…

Fanciabulls from the NYPL image database

Catalan soldier with serpent; clearly not a trombone; Filipino guardia de vino; Catalan forge (definition, process (PDF)); Catalan knobbing furnace; Barcelona man goes to war; Garrotxa volcanoes; Catalan miqueletes; pre-Orwell Catalan barber; seasickness in Spanish Caribbean; Madrilenian crypto-Jews; Hebrew marriage contract, Gibraltar, 1826; bull kills mayor of Torrejón.

Cholera cure

“We print this recipe, not out of self-interest, since we are giving it away free, being inspired solely by the conviction that we have of its efficacy and to see if we can be of assistance to our fellow men.”

1853: Juan Cabot y Suñol's grave in <a href=Tiana" title="1853: Juan Cabot y Suñol's grave in Tiana" />