Tag: portugal
Some thoughtful football commentary
Otra Liga es posible
An Iberian proposal would slash wage costs, free up time and talent for cashflow-friendly shagshow opportunities, and assimilate football to mainstream Peninsular cultural practice.
Bloody Galicians
But what was Rosa Díez actually trying to say before she so expertly inserted foot into mouth?
I’m in yer country eating yer green shoots
The secret language of doctors
Why and how the 17th century Portuguese tropical medicine specialist, Aleixo de Abreu, tried to prevent proles from reading his cure for scurvy.
Pig / lion / monkey / child wine
A Portuguese menagerie of sozzledness.
Pan di Spagna?
A Sicilian says it ain’t.
Going to the dogs
Vague musings on the past and present of hare coursing and greyhound racing in Spain.
Drunk and disorderly
A British soldier’s hazy recollections of civil war in Portugal.