–¡Qué gracioso que la mayoría de los guiris decís “avellanas” en vez de “havaianas“! –¿Eh? No me suena, y ¿qué quieres decir con “la mayoría”, { 50% + 1 } o { casi todos } ? –Bueno, la hermana de X lo dice… Al DRAE le falta el primer matiz, el segundo quizá puede esperar.
Capitalism gave people time to be bored and then net-borne infantilism came along and cured them. Lots of problems with that–ennui, the lack of a particular signifier doesn’t mean the signified didn’t exist, the decline starting before the web takes off, etc etc–but it’s a nice idea. Does anyone still go to bars because they…
How two bands of bloodthirsty Fenians turned into peaceable middle-aged Englishmen with no known political opinions who smile a lot, are fond of sport and their children, and would probably enjoy a drink with you
Moving house, so orders may take longer until mid-February - mail me first if in doubt. Shop deliveries free on foot in Leeds LS1-8 & LS13. Dismiss