Queens: death of a bratwurst

Just a brief follow-up on the post dealing with the curse of the bratwurst/bratswurst, the frankfurt/frankfurter and the hamburger/hamburguesa/hembluguesa: the NYT today notes the increasing assimilation into the mainstream of Ridgewood’s German community. Says Elfriede Parthe, “Life is a journey, and you know what, nothing ever stays the same.” (In a separate contribution to this…

Cowbike drawing competition update

I’m afraid we’re not doing very well in the cowbike drawing competition. Although there have been encouraging rustlings from Stoke Newington, Hampstead and Albacete, the only entry in so far is from Geoff (35) in Bermondsey – yes, the one displayed here. Geoff, while obviously a talented young artist, unfortunately forgot to include the bike.…