¡Justo Bueno, pistolero de la FAI, está de vuelta!

El asesino en serie, entre cuyas víctimas fueron tal vez los hermanos Badía, desapareció de la versión catalanista del Valle de los Caídos (“sacrificats per la llibertat de Catalunya”) hace unos años, pero le han pegado de nuevo en su columna, al parecer con caca. Es fácil entrar en el sitio desde arriba, y me…

Trompe-l’Å“il ascent to Heaven of Our Lady of Mercy, Barcelona

This time-lapse video reduces some 38 minutes to 2.5. The great bronze Vulture and Child on top of the Basilica de la Merced/Mercé was cast after the war from the remains of smaller monuments to red and separatist leaders and I think the phoney arch was added at the same time. The spectacle is visible…

Whenever I see The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, I think of Alphonse Laurencic

And here. I would dearly love to find out more about Alphonse and his creations. Someone once showed me a magazine with a few relevant pictures, but I’ve forgotten who/what/where. All but the blind will have noticed my background tribute on this blog’s front page to Robert Wiene. The OpenFlix/YouTube publishing of Dr Caligari is…

The disappearing bishop

This is Manuel Irurita, regionalist-traditionalist head of the diocese of Barcelona, and one of 8,352 citizens disposed of by, or to the complete indifference of, the Republican authorities in Catalonia during the Civil War for fear that their political and religious beliefs might not be fully compatible with certain contemporary notions of liberty and progress.…