The Headingley Gallimaufrians

A children’s kazoo choir of the weird and wonderful + a brass band in development + outings.

Headingley Gallimaufrians playing <a href=''>medieval polychoral music</a> on the roof of Leeds Town Hall in the early days of dodgy AI art.

Headingley Gallimaufrians playing medieval polychoral music on the roof of Leeds Town Hall in the early days of dodgy AI art. Image: DALLĀ·E 2.

  • I run singing sessions with children from the neighbourhood, featuring a wide range of curious and charming repertoire in various languages, and accompaniment from me on Casio or sometimes barrel-organ. We also sometimes go on outings by public transport to the Dales: bus, walk over a hill, pint, bus back.
  • I’ve got a plan for an unconventional brass band in Headingley, giving audiences unforgettable performance experiences with high quality brass band music in an eclectic range of musical styles. Needs: 28 musicians, a constitution, sponsors, rehearsal space, etc.
  • Here’s some musical & career background, and here’s a testimonial from Justin Thurgur (06:03):

Interested? Get in touch. Not interested? Try my Yorkshire Almanac.