Now! Then! 2024! - Yorkshire On This Day

A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 366 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

2 November 1300: In a pause in the Scottish wars, Archbishop Corbridge of York tells John de Cave and Radulf, bailiff of Beverley, to pursue debasers and deserters

James Raine, Ed. 1873. Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Registers. London: Longman. Get it:



Know that we have appointed you our justices in our liberty of Beverley to inquire into the negative effects of the buyers and sellers of bad money on the royal defence and on the money itself; also into those who were excused from the war in Scotland, or who went and then retired from the royal army fraudulently and without permission, having been taken hostage; and into those who give advice, help, or favour to such people in premises, secretly or openly; as well as to demand and guarantee the end of the offences, and to act according to the tenor of the original royal letter concerning all the aforesaid and related issues, which must be handled according to the law and custom of the aforesaid kingdom of England and our liberties.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.


  • ER: East Riding
  • GM: Greater Manchester
  • NR: North Riding
  • NY: North Yorkshire
  • SY: South Yorkshire
  • WR: West Riding
  • WY: West Yorkshire



Edward I agreed a truce on 30 October.

I think nocturnal incursions by the infant may have affected my translation – corrections welcome.

I’m guessing the monetary challenge was debasement rather than counterfeiting.

Another John de Cave, 97 years later.

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(Reg. archiep. Corbridge, 77 a.)
T., Dei gratia, etc., dilectis in Christo filiis Johanni de Cave et Radulpho, ballivo nostro Beverlacensi, salutem, gratiam et benedictionem. Sciatis quod constituimus vos justitiarios nostros in libertate nostra Beverlacensi ad inquirendum super his quæ emptores et venditores cum mala moneta contra defensionem regiam et ipsam monetam contingunt; de illis etiam qui electi ad guerram Scotia non iverunt, seu ierant et de exercitu regio fraudulenter sine licentia captis vadiis recesserunt; eisque in præmissis consilium, auxilium, vel favorem præbentibus, clam vel palam; necnon ad fines ratione delictorum petendum et recipiendum, et ad faciendum secundum tenorem originalis brevis regii inde facti circa prædicta omnia et ea contingentia, quod secundum legem et consuetudinem regni Angliæ et libertatis nostræ prædictæ fuerit faciendum. Et ideo vobis mandamus quatenus in præmissis et ea contingentibus quod ad justitiam pertinet faciatis, salvis nobis amerciamentis inde provenientibus. In cujus rei testimonium, etc., literas nostras, etc. Data apud Cawod, quarto nonas Novembris, anno gratiæ Mº.CCCº., et pontificatus nostri primo.

187 words.


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