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17 May 1321: Isabella Dayvill, apostate nun, is banished to suffer silence, hunger and punishment at Handale Priory (North Riding)

William Page, Ed. 1907. Houses of Cistercian Nuns. A History of the County of York, Vol. 3. London: Constable and Company. Get it:



On 17 May 1321 Archbishop Melton wrote to the Prioress and convent of Handale, that he was sending to them Isabella Dayvill, nun of the house of Rosedale, vestri ordinis, who, contrary to the honesty of religion, had apostatized. She was to undergo her appointed penance in their house, was to be last in the convent, was to talk to no one, secular or religious, and not to go out of the precincts of the monastery. Every Friday she was to fast on bread and water, and every Wednesday to abstain from fish, and on each of those days was to receive a discipline in chapter from the hands of the president.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




“Apostate” probably means “runaway” – see also Joan of Leeds – WP and what purports to be her version.

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On 17 May 1321 Archbishop Melton wrote to the Prioress and convent of Handale, that he was sending to them Isabella Dayvill, nun of the house of Rosedale, vestri ordinis, who, contrary to the honesty of religion, had apostatized. She was to undergo her appointed penance in their house, was to be last in the convent, was to talk to no one, secular or religious, and not to go out of the precincts of the monastery. Every Friday she was to fast on bread and water, and every Wednesday to abstain from fish, and on each of those days was to receive a discipline in chapter from the hands of the president.

114 words.


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