A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
HMG. 1909. Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Vol. 4, Henry IV (1408-13). London: HMSO. Get it:
.Commission to John Conyers, William Fencotes, William Vyncent, Christopher de Boynton, John Doueney and Robert Mauleverere to enquire into the capture of salmon and fry in the rivers Humber, Ouse, Done, Eyre, Derwent, Querf, Nidd, Yore, Swale and Tese, co. York, contrary to the statute of Westminster the second and the statute of 13 Richard II, and to punish the offenders according to the statutes.
Janet Clarkson has Richard II’s 1390 statute, which forbade taking or destroying
the Spawn, Fry, or Young Breed, of any kind of Fish. For a first offence, the destruction of the Nets and Engines, for a second offence, imprisonment for three months, and for the third offence, imprisonment for a year, and as the Trespass is repeated, so is the Punishment to be (Clarkson 2014).
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Commission to John Conyers, William Fencotes, William Vyncent, Christopher de Boynton, John Doueney and Robert Mauleverere to enquire into the capture of salmon and fry in the rivers Humber, Ouse, Done, Eyre, Derwent, Querf, Nidd, Yore, Swale and Tese, co. York, contrary to the statute of Westminster the second and the statute of 13 Richard II, and to punish the offenders according to the statutes.
66 words.
The Headingley Gallimaufrians: a choir of the weird and wonderful.
Music from and about Yorkshire by Leeds's Singing Organ-Grinder.