Now! Then! 2024! - Yorkshire On This Day

A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 366 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

20 February 1582: Part of the household inventory made on the death of farmer Richard Best of Elmswell, including his homebrew kit

Henry Best. 1857. Rural Economy in Yorkshire, in 1641. Ed. Charles Best Robinson. Durham: Surtees Society. Get it:



[Valuations deleted] Parlour: 2 boarded beds, 3 chests, 1 counter, 1 ammerie [cupboard?], 1 press, and 2 planks, 6 plough clouts [metal plates nailed on to reduce wear and tear], 5 iron wedges, with other broken iron. Bedding in the parlour, 8 coverlets, 8 blankets, and 2 table cloths, 5 mattresses, 1 feather bed, and 1 bolster. Chamber over the hall: 1 standing bed, and 1 truckle-bed, 4 chests, 1 chair, 1 old churn, 1 bushel, 2 little shelves, 1 steel cap, 1 chap, and 1 half pack, rennet, oatmeal, and onions, 7 linen sheets, 5 pairs of hemp sheets, 7 pairs harden sheets [made from the coarser parts of hemp], 5 pillivers [pillow cases] of linen, 4 table cloths, cheese and butter, bread, 4 new socks, sickles, 2 malls [hammers]. His apparel, his sword, and his dagger, and in his purse income. Hall and buttery: 27 pouther doblers [powder doublers, i.e. dishes?], 6 pothackers [?], 5 sawits [?], and 6 saucers, and a laver [basin for hand-washing], 2 candlesticks, and 2 bottles, 1 gyle-fat [vat in which wort is left to ferment], 3 stands, 1 rackan [apparatus used to suspend pots over the fire], 1 gavelock [iron lever], 1 fire shovel, 1 pair of tongs, 2 tables, 4 forms, 2 chairs, 1 shelf, 1 painted cloth, 1 safe, 1 skyle [skillet/poker for raking the fire?]. Milk house: 4 honey pots, 2 kits, 2 flackets [flasks], 4 milk bowls. Kitchen: 2 winnow cloths, 9 sacks, 3 riddles [coarse-meshed sieves], and a sieve, a temes [siftere], and 4 scuttles, 4 brass pots, 1 posnet [small boiling-pot, perhaps with three feet and handle], 4 kettles, 2 pans, 1 dripping-pan, and 1 scummer [shallow ladle/sieve], 3 spits, 1 pair of iron racks, and 1 rackan, smithy gear, 1 lead [leaden milk-pan?], 1 mash-fat [large tub for mashing malt], 1 wort trowe[l] [ladle], 1 cooler, 3 skyels, 1 salt, salt flesh in the bawkes [buckets], 1 cheese press, 1 sweell [sweal?], and all other implements in the said house. In the bolting house [sifting room?] 1 kymling [kimnel, tub used for brewing etc.], 1 bolting tube, 1 trowe, 9 silver spoons, his bow and his arrows, 10 cocks and hens, his books, glasses.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.


  • ER: East Riding
  • GM: Greater Manchester
  • NR: North Riding
  • NY: North Yorkshire
  • SY: South Yorkshire
  • WR: West Riding
  • WY: West Yorkshire



The whole thing deserves translation, but it’s pretty hard – any hints most welcome!

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INVENTORY made Feb. 20. Inprimis, 8 oxen 13l. Item, 10 kyne 13l. 6s. 8d., 3 bulles 53s. 4d., 5 stoytts 5l. , 2 oxe sturkes 30s., 7 horses and meares 10l. , 2 foiles 23s., 25 yowes 5l. 4s., 40 hogges 5l. 6s. 8d., 10 swyne 42s., one iron bone wayne, one head yocke, one wayne head shakle, and one teame geven bie legace 3l. , 2 olde wayne bodies, 2 peare of iron boune whelles 3l. 6s. 8d., 3 cowpes wyth stanges 15s., wayne geare, and plue geare in the wayne house 40s. In the oxe house 5 peare of cowpe stanges, one ganne of fellowes, with other implements 10s., 2 saddles, and 2 bridles, one loed saddle, and 2 panels 10s. One bed in the said house for servants, with furnitorie for the same 5s. In the barne one pare of wayne blades, 2 bords, 3 stees, scaffolds, and all other suche tymber in the said barne 13s. 4d. In the kylne 8 yockes, one spenenge wheel, one litle wheell, one barell, one bushell, one steepe fatte, one kylne heare, one peare of fleakes, and one peare of reple comes 26s. 8d. In the loft over the ketchinge iron geare 21s. 8d., 3 yockes harnished 3s., 4 forks shode, and 2 sholes 2s., 15 forkes unshodde 2s., 5 axes and 3 hackes 5s. 8d., one parcell of leade 5s., wayne ropes, trases, and other cartaine things 5s., one cotte of plait, and one steill cappe 10s. All other implements in ye said chamber 5s. 3 yockes, 3 teames, one peare of horse geare, and 3 standde heckes 10s. Woodde in the town streite 20s.; wodde in the back sidde 20s.; wodd felde in Sutton wodde 30s. Stacke garthe bares with other bares 5s. 5 hyves of bees 15s. Corne in ye barne rie, 15l. , barlie and pees 20s. Maulte in the kylne 5l. Pees in the house 33s. 4d. Hay in the barne 46l. 8s. Wynter corne sowne in ye feld 26l. 13s. 4d. Dunge 8s. For tyllinge of barlye land, one arder, and for marle and dunge laid of the same 20s. In the parler 2 borded beds, 3 chests, one counter, one ammerie, one presse, and 2 plankes 13s. 4d., 6 plue cluttes, 5 iron wages, with other broken iron 3s. Bedenge in the parler, 8 coverlets. 8 blankets, and 2 table cloes 3l. , 5 mattreisses, one feather bedde, and one boulster 40s. In the chamber over the hall one standinge bed, and one trinnell bed 9s., 4 chests one cheare, one olde churne, one bushell, 2 litle shelves, one steill cappe, one chap, and one halfe packe 10s., yerens, oite meell, and onions 13s. 4d., 7 lininge sheets, 5 pare of hempe sheets, 7 pare harden sheets, 5 pillivers of lininge, 4 table cloes 3l. 6s. 8d., cheese and butter 8s., breade 5s., 4 new socks, seckels, two mells, and other implements ye said chamber 6s. 8d. His aperyall, his sword, and his dager, and in his purse 3l. In come 31. In ye halle and butterye 27 pouther doblers, 6 pothackers, 5 sawits, and 6 sawsers, and a laver’ 2 candilsticks, and 2 buttles 35s., one gialfatte, 3 stannes 3s., one recon, one gavelocke, one fier shole, one pare of tanges, 2 tables, 4 formes, 2 cheares, one shelfe, one painted clothe, one sayfe, one skyle 10s. In ye meelke house 4 honey potts, 2 kits, 2 flakets, 4 mealke bowles, with other implements 6s. In ye ketchenge 2 wynder cloes, 9 sexe, 3 ruddles, and a seife, a temes, and 4 scottles 13s. 4d., 4 brasse pottes, one posnit, 4 kettles, 2 pannes’ one dreping panne, and one scomer 21s., 3 speets, one pare of iron rackes, and one recon 8s., smyddye geare 20s., one lead, one masefat, one wort trowe, one cooller, 3 skyels, one salt 15s., salt fleshe in ye bawkes, one cheese presse, one sweell, and all other implements in ye said house 21s. In ye bowtinge house one kymling, one bowting tube, one trowe 6s. 8d., 9 silver spoines 33s. 4d., his bowe and his arrowes 5s., 10 cokes and hennes 3s. 4d., his bokes, glasses, and all other implements about the said house 10s.

Debts which the said testator had owne at the houre of his deathe. Imprimis, James Phillipe 20l. Item, Marmaduke Hodgeson, for 4 score yewes, 13l. 6s. 8d. Item, the said Marmaduke 4l. John Alexander for implements of householde stufe 5l. 13s. 4d. The said John Alexander for rie and maulte 3l. 8s. The said John 33s. 4d. that I paid to Christofer Metcalfe for hym. Fore his halfe yere rent 16s. The said John for 3 quarters and 2 bushell of maulte, 2s. 4d. the bushell price, yt he had the first yere he came to Myddilton to dwell, some 3l. 8s. The said John for 11 bushells of rie yt he had the same yere 36s. 8d. Marmaduke Dickeson 3l. Charles Cooke 36s. 8d. Henry Phillipe 6s. 8d. One Bleads yt married Raulfe Phillipe daughter for a secke of mault 8s. 6d. Christofer Bellambie 20s. 4d. James Richeson for 3 bushell of rie 3s. the bushell price, and one bushell of maulte 2s. some 11s. Richard Todde for sixe bushell of rie 16s. Henry Swyere 26s. 8d. Francis Herreson 5l. 19s. 6d. John Gowwit 10s. Gefferray Gibbeson 24s. Mr. Marmaduke Stavelay 13s. 4d. Gilbart Daweson 20s. Richard Best 10l. 8s. George Wallbrone 33s. 4d. John Theasceston 37s. 4d. Wylliam Heslinton 9s. 4d. Richarde Swetinge 10s. Hughe Allen 26s. 8d. One lease taken of Thomas Herreson 40s. One taken of James Meke 40s. One lease taken of Elizabeth White 5l. 16s. Somma totalis 279l. 4s.

Desperait debts yt is owen to the foresaid testatore. Thomas Sweling 6l. 2s. Christofer Daill 20s. Edward Gibbeson for 2 wayne loides of plue geare and wayne geare.

Debts which the said testatore did owe at the houre of his death. His whole yeares rent 50s. Servantes wages 23s. 6d.

1266 words.


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