A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
Henry Best. 1857. Rural Economy in Yorkshire, in 1641. Ed. Charles Best Robinson. Durham: Surtees Society. Get it:
.We washed our fat sheep this 9th of May in the house close, a little beneath the high bank. They were in number 32, and our washers were our foreman and another of our own fellows. We had but just six barres which did very well hold the aforesaid 32 sheep and 13 lambs besides. One of our boys that went with the ox-plough threw them in. The water was of a very good depth, and we found it a far better way then damming of water, for now the scud [dirt] and scum passed away, and the dyke was as clear and fresh at the last as at the first. Wherefore in my opinion this is a far better way, viz., to wash sheep in such a place where the water is deep enough of itself, without any damming. For besides the labour of setting down and taking up, the water is in danger of carrying away the banks so soon as they let it go.
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Wee washed our fatte sheepe this 9th of May in the howse close, a little beneath the high banke; they weare in number 32, and our washers weare our foreman and another of our own fellowes; wee had but just sixe barres which did very well hold the aforesayd 32 sheepe and 13 lambes besides; one of our boyes that wente with the oxeplough threwe them in; the water was of a very good depth and wee founde it a farre better way then damminge of water, for nowe the scudde and scumme passed away, and the dyke was as cleare and fresh att the last as att the first; whearefore in my opinion this is a farre better way, viz; to wash sheepe in such a place wheare the water is deepe enough of it selfe, without any demminge; for besides the labour of settinge downe and takinge up, the water is in dainger of carryinge away the bankes soe soone as they lette it goe;
166 words.
The Headingley Gallimaufrians: a choir of the weird and wonderful.
Music from and about Yorkshire by Leeds's Singing Organ-Grinder.