A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
Thomas Johnson. 1876. Sketches of Hull Celebrities. Ed. William Anderson Gunnell. Hull: Walker and Brown for William A. Gunnell. Get it:
.The cheering was so loud and long that the old schoolery croaked, and poor Andrew looked aggressed, and had no mental image that he was going to be breeched in a new cladding, as well as to be a lodesman for the town people to be steered by. When the tumultation had quelled it was aspectable [visible] that Andrew was amoving from his eyes some fallen tears of thankfulness to Almighty God, as well as to his friends, who had longed to put him in a better state of life. He was taken so much aback by the offering, that he could barely trow his earn [ears], but in a few seconds, his judgment got the master of his feelings, and he amenaged to say a sufficiency, that was convictive of his firm belief in God’s Holy Word, as well as a resolve to oppone alle indign measures, and pursue a line of conduct in the world, which would add a brightness not only to his name, but likewise to that of his father [local minister and master in the same building]. The upshot of it was that he came out at the election as a candidate in span-new fair-rose colour, and had the bettermost encouragement. John Ramsden and himself pitched their battles on safe ground, as one man, and the people seemed vastly pleasureful and full of satisfactoriness, when they found these two good-abearing men atop of the poll. Watson was spake well on at the gemot [meeting] by Willy Skinner. Fellowes was named by Richard Robinson, the bacon merchant. Metcalfe was named by one of his own wrought-iron men, a Hurrer, and Rogers was named by Tommy Swarme, a gospel gossiper. But the tumultation and sway that took on after John Ramsden and Andrew had been done with, was so loud, that naught could be heard, save, “Cats, puss, miaow, little kitling,” and other words of a like kind, as a slur upon Rogers, and the town was pestered all the night with these sorts of cries.
I take “foreign family man” to mean that the Crowles trade with Europe rather than that they are fecund immigrants – hyphens! “Wone o hys owne wroughteyn men” presumably refers to Hull’s role in iron imports from Sweden – see e.g. Sven-Erik Åström (Åström 2011) – but I know nothing about iron-working there. The language of the original is marvellous and seems to point both to unexpected medieval survivals and to North Sea trading.
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At ys Tyme, ye Towne wase yn a Broyl, an vast irksomenesse wase amyd ye Pepel, by reysone o ye enorme wastfulness o ye Publique monie, an ye Bodement o a Parlymente Lectyone. Ye Stretes wern yn Tumult an ye Pepel wer dard. Market Gat Strete wase yn a Broyl, ffrom Cock-crow toe Moon-Tyme, and ye entyre Towne wase yn Branglement an Dysordyr. Ase ye Lectyone approchid, bygge Papers wern Clammid alle owre ye Towne – beseekyn ye “Fre an Lyghtenid Voaters,” toe be attenders atte a Gemote goyne toe tak one atte ye Grammer skoolerie. Twase ase folloeth,—
“Toe ye Fre an Lyghtenid Voaters o ye Towne o Kyngestowne upon Hvll.
Brodder Cytyzens,
Ye Tyme bee one approche, wheyn youe wyl ha toe Pyck ffor yoursels, 2 choyce men ase Commoners, toe Garde wel youre Intrestes yn ye Parlymente Housen. Soe ytte Behoveth sommebodie toe tak meynes ffor youe toe Pyck men who wyl dow yayre Dewtie y? an Efferos, an noghte yn an Oscious sorte o waie. Soe one Tuesdaie y 9 daie o ye ynstante, I acqueynte alle, an everichone, yt a Gemote wyl tak pleck, at ye Grammer skoolerie, atte 7 o ye clok,
one y? Daie nyghte, ffor ye avaylmente.
Sygnid wythouten Feare, or Pashyone
ye 6 daie, o ye instante, 1658
WILL. DOBSON, Maire o ye Towne foresayde.
Anowe, ytte sempt, yt George Crowle, Jhon Trip, an Willie Ramsden hadde beyn havyn abytte o slye wordyn wi Oneanoder, an ye conclude wase [ytte oozenid oghte afferyns] yt yy wern toe wend to my Daddes Housen, wi ye Veiwe o obtentyn hys Consentmente an Suportance ffor Andrewe toe bee a Candydate atte ye Forecomyn Lectyone, an yn ys matter yy wern vastlie Earnful. Ye accorde, yy alle cam yn a Bustermente, an preasantlie, ytte was Bargonid, ffor us alle toe wend straightwaie togedder, toe ye Gemote, wythouten makyn Andrewe acqueynte wi ye subjeckt matter. One getteyn toe ye Auld Skoolerie, powre Andrew wase Sadlie Sore to subveiwe ye Spotte, yt hys powre Feyther hadde spendid soe manie o hys Daies yn, an ytte clashid one hys mynd somme Recordashones o Foretymes, an hee loked Sonken an Tryste; an wheyn Richard Wilson-ye Gyrdler, [an a bygge stutterer-allbee, a money-man] hadde Mafflid oghte alle hee hadde to Yoken, yn Kyndlienesse to Jhon Ramsden; George Crowl-a Forrayne famlie man, pearchid hyssel one a Locker, an stad ase Brant ase a Woden Imager yn a Trynket shoppe, an seyde wi waynt Banter, an vast clyppyn o hys wordyns [whych amayde ytte Dyffycyl to wist hys Meynyn, an effectid ye greytest amuseynes yt aniebodie coude concepte-ffor twoo or thre Tymes hee gatte oghte o Humore, an ytte amayde hym forgette whate hee hadde seyde] -Howso, wi ye goodlie aidance o my Dadde, John Ramsden, an Andrewe, I ha beyn abyl toe putte togedder, ye byste parte o hys wordyns:
Mayster Maire, Gentils an Brodder Cytyzens,
Afferyns ye Graundlie wordyns o my Steemid ffrend, Richard Willson, I ame Warmid yn sayen, yt hee hath noghte gotteyn yntoe Hott-Watter, ase hee woude ha donne yffe hee hadde seyne fytte toe name anieodder Candydate yn lieu o Jhon Ramsden, ffor reste contente, hee woude noghte onelie ha gatte Roastid by ye Voaters, butte hee woude ha putteyn theym yntoe a Boylyn Ragerie, ffor I mowst acqueynte youe alle yt Jhon Ramsden bee a man [Crowle stammerid-an a Losel bawlid oghte- “wee spect hee ys”] yt – ah-ah-whate wase I goyne toe saie, I clare I ha quyet forgotteyn – oh, I hav ytte, nowe – Jhon Ramsden bee a man [a suddin fytte o Tufseyn cam one, an a generall Loffyn tooke pleck, an atte ye lasten hee sayde] Jhon Ramsden bee a man yt ye Pepel lyke toe heere symmer. Ytte maketh ytte wayntlie dyffycyl ffor mee ore anie odder pearson toe folloe ye tallent, Boded by Richard Willson -butte whate hee hath sayde I canne wi muche plesance gyv my Supportance y Testimonie o ye Troth o hys Statins [a Losel bawlid oghte “Oppen youre moothe an Splutter oghte alle youe ha gotteyn toe saie an ha donne wi ytte,” whych amayde Crowle maddenid, an hee sayde] Nathlesse I hav a Dewtie toe compleate, an I wyl compleate ytte wheyn I lyk, yn spyghte o anie o youe— an yt ys, yt alle whych hath beyn sayde yn Regardmente o Jhon Ramsden, I canne saie respectyve o ye man I ha toe nam toe youe toe nyghte.- -a man who wyl cojoyne yn alle goodlie matters wi Jhon Ramsden,-a man yt hys Feyther wase ase wel kennid by alle ye Pepel o ye Towne, aye-ase a King bee kennid wheyn hee pearches one hys Trone Chaire [name hym-name hym] Yes, gentils, I shal amake noe furder secretnesse o y mattre, butte wend atte ytte alle atte onys, an saie-yt hee bee ye Offshott o yt Gode man, Andrewe Marvell, who wase ye Mayster o Owre Grammer Skoolerie, an gav suche waynt amendes atte ye Tyme o ye Plague, by vysytyn ye Pepel who wern afflyct wi yt dystressful maladie. Soe I name Andrewe Marvell, squire, ase a fyttyn man toe tak owre wyshyns yntoe Parlymente Housen, an yayre ffyghte owre Battels-backt by y’ Souldyer lokyn man, Jhon Ramsden, an odders o hys Mettyl.
Ye cheeryn wase soe Loudie an Longe, yt ye Auld Skoolerie crokid, an powre Andrewe lokyd Agrysid, an hadde noe mental image, yt hee wase goyne toe bee Breechid yn a newe Claddyn, ase wel ase toe bee a Loadsman ffor ye Towne Pepel toe bee Steerid by-ase wase hys Feyther, by reysone o hys Godlie feelyn ffor ye Powre, an ye Afflyctid. Wheyn ye Tumultuashon hadde Quellid, twase aspectable, yt Andrewe wase amoveyn ffrom hys Eyne, somme fallyn Tears o Thenkfulnesse toe Almightie God, ase wel ase toe hys ffrends, who hadde longid toe putte hym yn a better state o Lyfe. Hee wase taken soe muche abacke, by ye Offeryn, yt hee coude barelie Trow hys Earn, butte yn afewe secundes, hys Joodgmente gatte ye Mayster o hys feelyns, an hee amenagid toe saie a suffyshancie, yt wase Convyctyve o hys ffyrm belyfe yn Gods Holie Worde, ase wel ase a Resolve toe Oppone alle yndign Mesures, an pursewe a lyne o Conducte yn ye Worlde, whych woude adde a Bryghtnesse noghte onlie toe hys name, butte lykewyse toe yt o hys Feyther. Naturellie, hee beggid ffor a lyttel Tyme, toe wyghe ye Mattre owre wi my Feyther, an somme odder ffrends, an ye Upshotte o ytte wase, yt hee cam oghte atte ye Lectyone, ase a Candydate, yn Span newe Fayre-rose Colore, an hadde ye bettermowst accouragemente. Ramsden an hyfsel pytcht yayre Battels one safe Growende, ase wone man, an ye Pepe sempt vastlie plesurefulle an fulle o satisfactorynesse, wheyn y yfounde thes twoo goode-abearyn men atoppe o ye Powll.
Watson, wase spak wel one atte ye Gemote, by Willie Skynner. Fellowes wase namid by Richard Robinson-ye Bacon marchaunte. Metcalfe wase namid by wone o hys owne wroughteyn men-a Hurrer, an Rogers wase namid by Tommie Swarme,-a Gospel gossyper. Butte ye tumultuashon, an Sweigh, yt tooke one afteryns Jhon Ramsden an Andrew hadde beyn donne wi, was soe Loudie, yt naghte coude bee heeard, saffe, “Catts, Pusse, Mehow, Lyttel Kytlyn,” an odder wordyns o a lyke kynde-ase a Slurre vpon Rogers, and ye town wase Pesterid alle ye nyghte wi thes sortes o cryes.
For ye powllyn seye Fyggurs 93 [John Ramsden].
Neddie Poppel powllid ayance Marvell, an ytte begat enmytie atweene hym an my Feyther, alle ye daies o yayre lyves. Ye lyste o voaters numberid 951–Marvell an Ramsden, cojoynid. Ye Lectyone wendid quyetlie, yn consyderaunce o ye number o Candydates. Rogers wase abytte maddenid by reysone o somme Dytts beyn putteyn oghte abowhgte hym an thodder Candydates – seye Jhon Rogers – furder one.
Marvells Lectyone colore ase forebenempt, wase Fayre Rose, an hys Cardes an papers bare “Andrewe Marvell an ye Rights o Hvll.” an “Powll ffor Andrewe Marvell an Ramsden.”
One ye 3 daie ynstante, Septembre, Oliver Cromwell deyde, an hys Offshott tooke hys Pleck-ase Protector.
Yn 1659, anoder Lectyone cam one, an Andrewe wase agayne a Candydate, an gatte yn, but onlie by afewe-seye Jhon Ramsden, Fygures 94. Ye number one ye Lyste wase well nygh ye sam ase afore-beyn 963, but noe mowre theyn 723 powllid. Ffor ye Splette yn ye voatyn, seye Jhon Ramsden-Fyggurs, 94. Marvell an Ramsden cojoynid ase afore. Hys cardes ys Tyme, bare “Andrewe Marvell, ye Man o ye Pepel,” an “Andrewe Marvell an ye Republique.”.
Allbee, y Lectyone tooke one, ya 1659, ye Housen dydde noghte gette broodid tyl ye 25 daie, ynstante, April, 1660, an wase ye ffyrste, afteryns ye Restore o ye Stuarte Clan. Ytte onlie kepte togedder abowghte 3 mounthes afore younglie Cromwell solvid ytte.
Ase foresayde, ye Parlymente dydde noghte pende togedder longe, ffor yayre wase naghte butte Quartyn an Branglyn evrie Tyme yy gatte yntoe Compagnie, soe besnefse coude noghte be gotte one wi. Ye resultyn wase-a solve, by ytts owne Ordyr, an anoder Lectyone tooke one, benempte, ye Conventshone Parlymente, an King Charles ye 2, wase callid backe agayne. Jhon Ramsden hadde beyn amayde a Barron o ye Exchecker, an ytte Forestallid hym beyn anie mowre a Parlymente man.
1572 words.
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