A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
Oliver Heywood. 1883. The Rev. Oliver Heywood, B.A., 1630-1702, Vol. 3/4. Ed. J. Horsfall Turner. Bingley: T. Harrison. Get it:
.At night J.B. sent me this week’s public news which was that the Poles had got the victory over the Turks, killed 30,000 men, 3 bashaws [pashas], taken 2 prisoners – very rich spoils, &c – that the French have left Utrecht, Kampen, Zwolle, Deventer, and other towns, which are now under their old masters, the estates of Holland. Next summer (saith the intelligencer) if our sins hinder not, I hope it will bid fair to the destruction both of Turk and Pope. December 10, 73. Amen.
The initial comment has this as 18 December but is contradicted by termination and context.
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At night J.B. sent me this week’s public news which was that the Poles had got the victory over the Turks, killed 30,000 men, 3 bashaws [pashas], taken 2 prisoners – very rich spoils, &c – that the French have left Utrecht, Kampen, Zwolle, Deventer, and other towns, which are now under their old masters, the estates of Holland. Next summer (saith the intelligencer) if our sins hinder not, I hope it will bid fair to the destruction both of Turk and Pope. December 10, 73. Amen.
84 words.
The Headingley Gallimaufrians: a choir of the weird and wonderful.
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