A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
Oliver Heywood. 1883. The Rev. Oliver Heywood, B.A., 1630-1702, Vol. 3/4. Ed. J. Horsfall Turner. Bingley: T. Harrison. Get it:
.On Wednesday February 11, 1674 we had a solemn public national fast, wherein god did wonderfully draw out my heart in preaching and praying, especially for the nation, particularly for peace with the United Provinces, and disappointment of Popish projects. In the former, God heard speedily, for on Lord’s day following, February 15, news came by several letters that there’s a peace concluded betwixt us and the states of Holland. I take this as a pledge of more blessed be God.
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On Wednesday February 11, 1674 we had a solemn public national fast, wherein god did wonderfully draw out my heart in preaching and praying, especially for the nation, particularly for peace with the United Provinces, and disappointment of Popish projects. In the former, god heard speedily, for on Lord’s day following, February 15, news came by several letters that there’s a peace concluded betwixt us and the states of Holland. I take this as a pledge of more blessed be god.
82 words.
The Headingley Gallimaufrians: a choir of the weird and wonderful.
Music from and about Yorkshire by Leeds's Singing Organ-Grinder.