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A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

20 March 1695: Why there are more sheep than foxes

Abraham de la Pryme. 1870. The Diary of Abraham de la Pryme, the Yorkshire Antiquary. Ed. Charles Jackson. Durham: Surtees Society. Get it:



I was with Mr. Cornelius Lee yesternight, and amongst other things he assured me on his own and a great many more people’s words, that foxes, so many years old they are, so many livers they have, and that he himself saw one opened that had eight, and so they all judged him to be eight years old. I asked Mr. Lucas about it this day, and he says it is true. But that which I most boggled at is this. They said that, for a certain, the whelps of a she fox never breed so long as the dam liveth, though they be never so old, and this is the reason, said they, that there are more sheep than foxes.

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I was with Mr. Cornelius Lee yesternight, and amongst other things he assured me on his own and a great many more people’s words, that foxes, so many years old they are, so many livers they have, and that he himself saw one opened that had eight, and so they all judged him to be eight years old. I asked Mr. Lucas about it this day, and he says it is true. But that which I most boggled at is this. They said that, for a certain, the whelps of a she fox never breed so long as the dam liveth, though they be never so old, and this is the reason, said they, that there are more sheep than foxes.

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