Now! Then! 2025! - Yorkshire On This Day

A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

30 November 1756: A Leeds brewery advertises its March beer, made with fresh Holbeck water, for wholesale in time for Christmas

Griffith Wright. 1895. Extracts from the Leedes Intelligencer. Publications of the Thoresby Society, Vol. 4. Ed. Charles S. Rooke. Leeds. Get it:



At Arthington & Hanforth’s wholesale brewhouse, in Holbeck Lane, near Leeds, after the 13th December next, innkeepers, public houses, and private families may be served with fine malt liquor, from 2d. to 9d. per gallon, in any quantity not under two gallons. Orders to the brewhouse, as above, will be duly executed, and any quantity (not less than six gallons), from 4d. a gallon and upwards, will be delivered at their own houses. The small beer at 2d. only at the brewhouse. N.B. Any person that has occasion for grains, by applying immediately may contract for a quantity to be delivered weekly for a year.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




Grain mills and a malthouse on the 1840s map, but our brewers are gone. It sounds like life was hard for professional brewers in Yorkshire:

In several of the northern counties in England, where they have good barley, coke-dried malt, and the drink brewed at home, there are seldom any bad ales or beers, because they have the knowledge in brewing so well, that there are hardly any common brewers amongst them. In the west there are some few, but in the south and east parts there are many (Ellis 1742).

An interesting-sounding Yorkshire oat beer (Ellis 1743).

Another advantage these gents had was Holbeck water:

The village is on the south side of the river Aire. It was formerly in repute for its spa, the water of which resembles that of Harrogate, though of inferior strength; but from the sinking of numerous wells for the supply of works in the vicinity, the water, which previously rose to the surface, is only to be obtained by pumping from a considerable depth: it is much esteemed for culinary uses, and is carried through the streets of Leeds for sale (Lewis 1842).

Ron Pattison on March and October beer, with several process descriptions:

The best months for brewing were March or October because the ambient temperature was optimal. Though some thought March best, most brewers preferred October because it was followed by 6 months of relatively cool weather, perfect for maturing beer (Pattison 2008/08/24).

See also his post on early 18th century beer styles (Pattison 2008/08/22).

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“At ARTHINGTON & HANFORTH’S WHOLESALE BREW-HOUSE, in Holbeck Lane, near Leedes, after the 13th December next, innkeepers, publick-houses, and private families may be served with Fine Malt Liquor, from 2d. to 9d. per gallon, in any quantity not under two gallons. Orders to the Brewhouse, as above, will be duly executed; and any quantity (not less than six gallons), from 4d. a gallon and upwards, will be delivered at their own houses. The small beer at 2d. only at the Brew-house.-N. B. Any person that has occasion for grains, by applying immediately may contract for a quantity to be delivered weekly for a year.”

117 words.


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