A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
Charles Turner Thackrah. 1821. An Introductory Discourse, Delivered to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, April 6, 1821. Leeds: The Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society. Get it:
.Has Leeds, with all her advantages, drawn from the principles of knowledge – Leeds, whose very existence depends on the improvements of science – returned to philosophy anything commensurate with the benefits she has derived? What discoveries has she made? Of what extent and importance are the improvements which she has effected? The examination will not probably be creditable to her exertions. Yet in Leeds and its neighbourhood knowledge is diffused, activity apparent, and mental energy existing, in an equal, if not a greater degree, than in most other towns. But it is to be regretted that this energy, activity, and information have been too exclusively devoted to the acquisition of wealth; and that the philosophical acquirements of individuals have been too generally confined to themselves. Grateful to science for her favours, we now meet to return our quota to her stock; anxious for the propagation, no less than the attainment of knowledge, we hope individually to collect information from experiment and observation, and produce this information for general discussion.
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Has Leeds, with all her advantages, drawn from the principles of Knowledge, – Leeds, whose very existence depends on the improvements of Science, returned to Philosophy, any thing commensurate with the benefits, she has derived? What discoveries has she made? Of what extent and importance are the improvements, which she has effected? The examination will not probably be creditable to her exertions. Yet, in Leeds and its neighbourhood, Knowledge is diffused, activity apparent, and mental energy existing, in an equal, if not a greater degree, than in most other towns. But it is to be regretted that this energy, activity, and information, have been too exclusively devoted to the acquisition of wealth; and that the philosophical acquirements of individuals have been too generally confined to themselves. Grateful to Science for her favours, we now meet to return our quota to her stock; anxious for the propagation, no less than the attainment of Knowledge, we hope individually to collect information from experiment and observation, and produce this information for general discussion.
171 words.
The Headingley Gallimaufrians: a choir of the weird and wonderful.
Music from and about Yorkshire by Leeds's Singing Organ-Grinder.