A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
John Bibby. 2022. A York Chronicle, 1815-1914. In preparation. Reproduction by kind permission of the author. Get it:
.A lovely flower
removed, alas, how soon
from the tender watchful care
that had reared and cherished it
to be THE FIRST transplanted
into this garden of death
yet not to continue here for ever
but at the appointed season to be taken
into the paradise of God.
A modern conservation volunteer, Jack Bouckley, also quotes the contemporary Yorkshire Gazette announcement:
This is the first breaking of the sod to inhume a mortal’s remains in the spot but how many must follow in the train is past calculation.
And clarifies:
During the following 165 years there have been over 122,000 bodies interred in over 28,000 graves. The exact numbers I do not know, but this I do know: from this garden of death there now blossoms forth life in the form of our newly-planted fernery (Bouckley 2003).
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[Her stone:]
to the memory of
Charlotte second daughter of
Thomas Fishburn Hall and Betsey his wife
of Heworth.
Who died Jany 17th 1837. Aged 25 years
A lovely flower
removed, alas, how soon
from the tender watchful care
that had reared and cherished it
to be THE FIRST transplanted
into this garden of death
yet not to continue here for ever
but at the appointed season to be taken
into the paradise of God.
95 words.
The Headingley Gallimaufrians: a choir of the weird and wonderful.
Music from and about Yorkshire by Leeds's Singing Organ-Grinder.