Now! Then! A Yorkshire Almanac for 2024

28 February 1863: William Allison (11) goes mouse-hunting with a fellow-pupil at Cundall (Ripon)

William Allison. 1920. “My Kingdom for a Horse!”. New York: E.P. Dutton and Company. Get it:



It is clear that primitive instincts towards blood-letting and frightfulness were somewhat dominant in us then, and in confirmation of this I quote the diary for 28th of that same February: “Bob and I went to Leckby Carr. Arminson Bland shot two sparrows whilst we were there, Bob bought them for a penny. This afternoon we had a cat hunt, and then walked to Mr Parker’s stacks, and there found six small mice, which we buried, alivo!”

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I thought that “Alivo” was a reference to the chorus of the song Molly Malone, but that is first attested in 1876, and so it must allude to the street cries of her English (and Yorkshire) colleagues:

As the good doctor W-n, was one Sunday morning going through the street towards the cathedral [in Winchester], he heard a woman cry, “Mackerel, all alive, alive, O !” And on his arrival at the church, he began the service as follows, “When the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness, and doth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive, alive O!” These last words the doctor proclaimed aloud, in the true tone of the fish woman, to the great surprise of the congregation; but the good doctor was so studious and absent, that he knew not what he had done (Lackington 1803).

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It is clear that primitive instincts towards blood-letting and frightfulness were somewhat dominant in us then, and in confirmation of this I quote the Diary for 28th of that same February:

Bob and I went to Leckby Carr. Arminson Bland shot two sparrows whilst we were there, Bob bought them for a penny. This afternoon we had a cat hunt, and then walked to Mr Parker’s stacks, and there found six small mice, which we buried, alivo!

84 words.


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