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A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

15 September 1872: Death of “York’s last Waterloo hero”

York Herald. 1821/09/21. Death of a Veteran. York. Get it:



We have to record the death on Sunday last, at his residence, Fossgate, York, at the age of 82, of Henry Hoare, late of the 15th Hussars. Deceased entered the army in 1810, and served in the Peninsular campaign. He was present at the battle of Vitoria and the siege of Badajoz. He was wounded at Orthes, and was present at the battle of Toulouse. He also served in the campaign of 1815, and was present at Waterloo; and we believe he is the last Waterloo hero who resided in the city.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




I think the siege of Badajóz would have been the third of that name during the Peninsular War. Hoare’s regiment played a key role in the Peterloo Massacre, four years after Waterloo. Was he there, doing rather less for the cause of freedom?

Via John Bibby, who comments:

York Cemetery records three “other ranks” from York who served at Waterloo – James Scargill (1793-1875), Henry Hoare (1793-1872), and Thomas Nicholson (1790-1850) – but of these only Henry Hoare receives mention in the York press, and Henry has to wait until he dies …, sandwiched under “Local News” between mentions of the Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots in Lancaster and the Wesleyan Prayer Leaders’ Tea in New Street Chapel (Bibby 2022)

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We have to record the death on Sunday last, at his residence, Fossgate, York, at the age of 82, of Henry Hoare, late of the 15th Hussars. Deceased entered the army in 1810, and served in the Peninsular campaign. He was present at the battle of Vittoria and the siege of Badajoz. He was wounded at Orthes, and was present at the battle of Toulouse. He also served in the campaign of 1815, and was present at Waterloo; and we believe he is the last Waterloo hero who resided in the city.

91 words.


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