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A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

18 August 1889: Eight survivors of prostate surgery present themselves to a meeting of the BMA in Leeds

Charles Brown. 1922. Sixty-four Years a Doctor. Preston: Toulmin. Get it:



There was some animated correspondence in the British Medical Journal in October 1921 in reference to the claims made by the friends of the late Sir Peter Freyer, that he was the deviser of the operation of suprapubic prostatectomy and the removal of the prostate by enucleation by the finger and not by cutting. Sir Clifford Allbutt and Messrs Littlewood and Wilcox, however, have proved conclusively that the distinction is due to the late A.F. McGill, Professor of Surgery and Surgeon to the General Infirmary at Leeds. He described at a meeting of the British Medical Association at Leeds on August 18th, 1889, that he had already successfully performed the suprapubic operation, and he laid great stress on the fact that the mucous membrane was incised with scissors and the enucleation carried out with the finger, and that it was better to operate by a suprapubic than by a urethral or perineal route. In an adjoining room there was the astounding and unique spectacle of seven or eight old men sitting on a bench with their prostates in bottles on their knees.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




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There was some animated correspondence in the British Medical Journal in October, 1921, in reference to the claims made by the friends of the late Sir Peter Freyer, that he was the deviser of the operation of suprapubic prostatectomy and the removal of the prostate by enucleation by the finger and not by cutting.

Sir Clifford Allbutt and Messrs. Littlewood and Wilcox, however, have proved conclusively that the distinction is due to the late A. F. McGill, Professor of Surgery and Surgeon to the General Infirmary at Leeds. He described at a meeting of the British Medical Association at Leeds on August 18th, 1889, that he had already successfully performed the suprapubic operation, and he laid great stress on the fact that the mucous membrane was incised with scissors and the enucleation carried out with the finger, and that it was better to operate by a suprapubic than by a urethral or perineal route. In an adjoining room there was the astounding and unique spectacle of seven or eight old men sitting on a bench with their prostates in bottles on their knees. Each patient had a card attached to him setting out briefly the clinical history of his case.

204 words.


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