Now! Then! 2025! - Yorkshire On This Day

A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

18 October 1966: The charter converting the Bradford Institute of Technology into the University of Bradford defines its secondary object as “the application of knowledge to human welfare”

HMG. 2006. [University of Bradford Charter 8 March 2006]. London: HMG. Get it:



2. The objects of the University shall be the advancement of learning and knowledge and the application of knowledge to human welfare and in particular (although without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) study and research in science and technology and collaboration for the furtherance of these objects with industry, commerce, the professions and other institutions.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




Text deduced by reverting the amendment to clause 2, but possibly not the exact 1966 text.

Bradford’s Special Collections Librarian comments:

Clause no. 2 of the Charter, the “objects clause”, contains standard wording for University charters: “The object of the University shall be the advancement of learning and knowledge”. Ted Edwards, Principal of the BIT and then the first Vice Chancellor of the University, decided that this was not enough. He added an extra clause, “and the application of knowledge to human welfare”. Ted Edwards believed that the University could help solve the problems facing society: “the Bomb and the hungry world”. The clause made this commitment part of the core mission of the University. Thanks to this commitment, the original scientific and technological studies of the Institute were supplemented by innovative departments dealing with these problems: The School of Peace Studies, and the Project Planning Centre for Development Studies (Cullingford 2011/01/04).

Comparable excerpts from several other charters:

  • Warwick: “the advancement of learning and knowledge by teaching and research and the provision of University education.”
  • Southampton: “for the Advancement of Knowledge the Diffusion and Extension of Arts Sciences and Learning the Provision of Liberal Professional and Technological Education and the furtherance of the objects for which The Hartley University College was incorporated”

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2. The objects of the University shall be the advancement of learning and knowledge and the application of knowledge to human welfare and in particular (although without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) study and research in science and technology and collaboration for the furtherance of these objects with industry, commerce, the professions and other institutions.

58 words.


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