Now! Then! 2025! - Yorkshire On This Day

A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data

18 July 1973: Maddy Prior on Steeleye Span’s support set for Jethro Tull at the LA Forum tonight

Steeleye Span Fan. N.d. The History, 1972-1973. A Celebration of Steeleye Span Get it:


Indices for all ballads etc. mentioned here: Roud 8194 @ Vaughan Williams ML & Bodleian


Touring America to any English band must be a revelation. Americans are spontaneous and make great audiences. They freed us from more constraints. It has been a long road losing those English inhibitions. Five nights at the LA forum with Jethro Tull, 18,000 seats. We were opening our set with the Lyke Wake Dirge, a grim piece of music from Yorkshire concerning purgatory, and we all dressed in dramatic mummers’ ribbons with tall hats. The effect was stunning. Five gaunt figures in line across the front of the stage – lit from below, casting huge shadows, intoning this insistent dirge – alarmed some members of the audience whose reality was already tampered with by 70s substances. It was most satisfying.

To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.




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Touring America to any English band must be a revelation. Americans are spontaneous and make great audiences. They freed us from more constraints. It has been a long road losing those English inhibitions. Five nights at the LA forum with Jethro Tull, 18,000 seats. We were opening our set with the Lyke Wake Dirge, a grim piece of music from Yorkshire concerning purgatory and we all dressed in dramatic mummers ribbons with tall hats. The effect was stunning. Five gaunt figures in line across the front of the stage, lit from below casting huge shadows, intoning this insistent dirge alarmed some members of the audience whose reality was already tampered with by 70s substances. It was most satisfying.

119 words.


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