A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 365 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
E.T. 1829/07/11. [Lack of response to Taylor and Carlile]. Leeds Mercury. Leeds. Get it:
.Allow me through the medium of your publication to ask what can be the reason of the general indifference, which exists among the advocates of Christianity to the attempts now making, publicly to prove the non-existence of Christ as the Saviour of man; and the consequent fallacy of the whole of the New Testament Scriptures? Does the silence which is preserved on this subject arise out of the defencelessness of the Christian cause or the negligence of its Guardian? If the former, what a cheerless prospect, what a pitiful hope is the Christian’s! If the latter, is it not time for the watchmen of Israel at once and for ever to wipe away the infamous reflections which these modern sceptics have publicly and impudently cast upon Christianity? Is there never a champion of the cross of Christ, whose zeal for the faith and hope of Christians will inspire and engage his efforts to interpose an effectual check to the promulgation of sentiments so blasphemous and dangerous?
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Gentlemen, Allow me through the medium of your publication to ask what can be the reason of the general indifference, which exists among the advocates of Christianity to the attempts now making, publicly to prove the non-existence of Christ as the Saviour of man; and the consequent fallacy of the whole of the New Testament Scriptures? Does the silence which is preserved on this subject arise out of the defencelessness of the Christian cause or the negligence of its Guardian? If the former, what a cheerless prospect, what a pitiful hope is the Christian’s! If the latter, is it not time for the watchmen of Israel at once and for ever to wipe away the infamous reflections which these modern sceptics have publicly and impudently cast upon Christianity? Is there never a champion of the cross of Christ, whose zeal for the faith and hope of Christians will inspire and engage his efforts to interpose an effectual check to the promulgation of sentiments so blasphemous and dangerous? – By inserting the foregoing letter in your very valuable paper next Saturday, you will greatly oblige,
Your’s very respectfully,
E.T., A Subscriber
196 words.
The Headingley Gallimaufrians: a choir of the weird and wonderful.
Music from and about Yorkshire by Leeds's Singing Organ-Grinder.