A Yorkshire Almanac Comprising 366 Historical Extracts, Red-letter Days and Customs, and Astronomical and Meteorological Data
John Stanley Purvis. 1949. Select XVI Century Causes in Tithe. Yorkshire Archaeological Society. Reproduction by kind permission of Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society. Get it:
.Joan Cockell of Pylmore Hall, Brafferton parish, widow aged 70, for seven years together, next and immediately before the days or time of the dissolution of the monastery or nunnery of Moxby, dwelt and remained at the nunnery, and by all the said time went yearly in hay-time forth with the prioress and nuns there to see the hay-makers of such hay as growed in the grounds belonging to the nunnery, and see the hay yearly mown, made into cocks and led away.
Margaret Newstead of Thornaby, wife of Roger Newstead, grassman, aged 72, for 11 years together next and immediately before the dissolution and suppression of the nunnery of Moxby was a professed nun there, and for diverse years before dwelt and continued in the monastery, all which time she sayeth that she amongst other young nuns of the nunnery helped to do such necessary business as was to be done about the same, and especially she sayeth yearly during the time aforesaid helped in hay time to make the hay.
To facilitate reading, the spelling and punctuation of elderly excerpts have generally been modernised, and distracting excision scars concealed. My selections, translations, and editions are copyright.
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Isabel Murton of Sutton in Galtres widow aged 60 . . .
.. for six yeres together ended about xxxv yeres ago was houshoulde servante to Lyonell Taylor then dwellinge at the nunnrie or monasterie of Moulsebie and occupyinge certain groundes belonginge to the monasterie and especiallye these groundes folowinge viz. the Wood Close the Myll Close the Stock Inge the Lyones Garth twoo closies called Warme Parkes . . .
Joan Cockell of Pylmore Hall parochie de Brafferton vidua etatis sue lxx annorum . . .
… for vii yeres together nexte and immediatlye before the dayes or tyme of the dissolucion of the monasterie or nunnrie of Moulsebye dwelte and remayned at the nunnrie and by all the said tyme wente yerelie in hay tyme furthe with the priores and nunnes there to see the hay maikars of suche hay as growed in the growndes belonginge to the… nunnrie and see the hay yerelie mowne maid into cockes and ledd away
[There was no tithe hay paid]… of hir knowledge beinge butler at the monasterie or nunnrie duringe the said vii yeres… and was privie to the commodities commynge in and goinge furthe of the monasterie or nunnrie. She named: Dame Agnes Tuite laite pryores of the monasterie who died aboute foure or fyve yeres before the dissolucion of the monasterie; Dame Phillipp Jennyson next Prioris after; Dame Margaret Cuniston an ould nun of the nunnrie; Dame Joan Ellarie an oulde nun there Also Dame Joan Hunton then a nun there and yet levinge; Dame Agnes Posgait an ould nun Also Dame Eliz. Burnet her conteste, Dame Dorothie Standishe, Dame Margt. Thormanbie also hir conteste all nunns of the said nunnrie at the dayes of the dissolucion thereof or a litle before . . .
Eliz. Burnett of Helperbie spinster aged 73…
… for xiii or xiiii yeres together dwelte contynewed and remayned at the monasterie or nunnrie of Moulsebie next and immediatlie before the dissolucion or suppression of the said . . . nunnrie and was a nunn there hir selfe aboute v or vi yeres before the said dissolucion.
… she hir selfe did yerely for the moste parte in hay tyme helpe to strawe and coke the hay…
Margt. Newstead of Thornabie uxor Rogeri Newstead gresman, aged 72 …
… for xi yeres together nexte and immediatlye before the dissolucion and suppression of the . . . nunnrie of Molseby was ae professed nunn there and for dyvers yeres before dwelte and contynewed in the monasterie all which tyme she saithe that she amongste other yoounge nunns of the nunnrie helped to do suche necessarie busines as was to be done aboute the same and especiallye she saithe yerelye duringe the tyme afforesaid helped in hay tyme to maike the hay…
453 words.
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