Perquè els humanistes no ho són

El Partit Humanista de Catalunya: “Si et sents humanista, vota Partit Humanista.”

El Gran Diccionari: “humanisme. 3 FILOS Corrent de pensament que col·loca l’home com a centre del seu interès.”

És a dir, arribar a conclusions en base de fets, no emoció. Si només et sents humanista, per definició no ho ets.

(I la pròxima vegada poseu per favor els cartells correctament perquè no perdeu automàticament els votants que els dolen el coll. )

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  1. The Partit Humanista is a front group for a Latin American cult. Its leader is this Argentinian dude named Silo who is some kind of Marxist mystic. His book is called “Cartas a mis amigos” and is just plain nonsense. Google something like “partido humanista secta” or “Silo cult” for the lowdown. There are plenty of anti-Silo sites out there on the web, most of them in Spanish. I don’t think this cult is a danger to society, because it’s so insignificant, but it is a danger to those who fall into its clutches.

  2. I’d got them down as Marxists clad as goats, but what I still can’t figure is why they call themselves humanists. Rationalism was never a big vote winner, even back in Anglo-land.

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