Bio: Kazoo Academy & Barrel Organ Disco/Yorkshire Almanac/translator Romance & Germanic languages & Russian/old-style jazz trombone & vocals/brass bands/allotmenteer
- Fri Oct 01 17:31 Comment: @petersymon I thought Twitter suspensions were generally for 24 hours
- Fri Oct 01 17:32 Comment: @petersymon I won't repeat the suggestions that appear in my Who To Follow panel after I interact with you
- Fri Oct 01 19:50 Vem kan segla förutan vind?
- Fri Oct 01 19:56 Comment: @petersymon What's an app, my dear fellow-immigrant?
- Fri Oct 01 23:09 Historia de Barcelona, 2/10: #otd * 1410: Protestas provinciales sobre la preponderancia de Barcelona en las Cortes Catalanas (239) * 1701: Felipe V hace una controvertida entrada oficial en Barcelona y jura los fueros (0+613) * 1837: La Junta de…
- Sat Oct 02 19:23 Do people say, "Turn off that light," not simply because they're old, but because their age means they recall the oil price hikes of 73 & 79, & the various UK miners' strikes in the same period?
- Sat Oct 02 20:59 C says that the hospital couldn't administer a blood test to S because they'd run out of vials, but I thought viols and e.g. Orlando Gibbons, rather than our ruling gibbon
- Sat Oct 02 23:29 Historia de Barcelona, 3/10: #otd * 1557: Procesión para celebrar la victoria española sobre los franceses en la Batalla de San Quintín (20) * 1918: Pla: En aquest temps, les tertúlies reviuen * 1938: Cómo Gran Bretaña puede aprender de los bombardeos de…
- Sun Oct 03 23:19 Historia de Barcelona, 4/10: #otd * 1614: Primeras fiestas en Barcelona de Santa Teresa de Jesús, que celebra su beatificación venciendo a un cocodrilo volante (830+73) * 1714: La suerte de los restos de las fuerzas leales a Carlos VI (618) * 1848:…
- Mon Oct 04 04:59 I had hoped that the toddler would become a plumber - a proper job - but since she is so good at waking us up every hour, on the hour, I have got her a job in Naples as night watchman
- Mon Oct 04 05:04 RT @PLMacPumpkin:
- Mon Oct 04 05:07 The definitive record
- Mon Oct 04 23:46 Historia de Barcelona, 5/10: #otd * 1274: Jaime I instituye el Consejo de Ciento (10) * 1461: 15 mil personas vienen al entierro de Carlos de Viana (17) * 1985: Supuestos simpatizantes de la Organización para la Liberación de Palestina torturan y…
- Tue Oct 05 17:26 Comment: @tombcn Doesn't the Spanish constitution forbid squid games?
- Tue Oct 05 17:46 Really good coverage of the Pandora Papers at , despite their own use of (offshore) tax mitigation devices
- Tue Oct 05 17:46 The toddler is starting to make invidious comparisons between oneself & Masha's bear
- Tue Oct 05 17:48 Has there ever been a Twitter thread that is not mad or mendacious? Anything serious belongs somewhere else, surely
- Tue Oct 05 17:51 Misplaced review of the oeuvre of our gibbon-in-chief
- Tue Oct 05 19:27 Stanley has become a Primark model, bless him
- Wed Oct 06 00:11 Historia de Barcelona, 6/10: #otd * 1421: Quillas para 18 barcos que ayudarán a Alfonso V en Nápoles (36) * 1896: El preso José Rizal hace transbordo en Barcelona camino a su ejecución en Manila (855) * 1934: El golpe de estado de Companys, una…
- Thu Oct 07 00:33 Historia de Barcelona, 7/10: #otd * 1369: El consejo de 25 acuerda comprar la casa de Simón Rovira para construir la casa consistorial (26) * 1488: Primer libro impreso en Barcelona? (30+121) * 1632: Muere el obispo y ex-virrey Joan Sentís (157+50) *…
- Thu Oct 07 09:34 Fortunately Holme Wood has alternatives
- Thu Oct 07 20:21 Comment: @jennitpk Does anybody in London not know somebody who has been utterly $hat on by the Met?
- Thu Oct 07 20:30 C, sureña art person: "She looks at you analytically, sooo like Vivienne."
- Thu Oct 07 20:31 3 Pakistani girls in Hyde Park, talking Jafaikan with a Yorkshire accent. London is everywhere.
- Thu Oct 07 20:32 Comment: And a Punjabi-looking boy walking to school with a mother who could have been Albacete gypsy - the broad, powerful shoulders, the glare
- Thu Oct 07 21:29 RT @Transblawg: Waitrose are selling cheese with milk in.
- Thu Oct 07 21:33 - Shouldn't we get an emergency Xmas order in, in case the food runs out? - If the food runs out, the electricity will too. No, I will buy a duck off Jimmy & kill it & pluck it with the toddler. - How will you kill it? - We will throw it under a bus. - What if there is no diesel?
- Fri Oct 08 00:25 Historia de Barcelona, 8/10: #otd * 1467: Descuartizados y desollados un barbero y un obrero por haber hecho llaves para Juan II (34) * 1848: Viaje experimental del ferrocarril Barcelona-Mataró (31+88) * 1919: Pla: El doctor Borralleras em parla sovint…
- Fri Oct 08 19:25 Marie Antoinette (allegedly): Let them eat cake Boris: Let them eat cake at some point in a misty future
- Fri Oct 08 20:08 N, in appalling pain, waited 6 hours again for an NHS ambulance, it having been suggested that everything could be resolved immediately if they spent their life savings and went private
- Fri Oct 08 20:55 Comment: Where we appear to be: 90% of the UK population is in the same position as 10% of the US: without the medical insurance required to survive in this splendid new world
- Fri Oct 08 23:24 Qui habitat in adjutorio altissimi, by Josquin des Prez, arranged for brass band: PDF downloads @petersymon
- Sat Oct 09 00:43 Historia de Barcelona, 9/10: #otd * 1517: Llega el nuevo rey de España, Carlos I (13) * 1705: Peterborough toma Barcelona para Carlos y rescata a una guapa de la multitud (367+349/i) * 1806: La Royal Navy roba tres barcos del puerto bajo fuego sin sufrir…
- Sat Oct 09 09:49 Today's superb km 0 apples are from the garden of , a snip at 640K, conversion required. Must resurrect my patent apple picker - mop pole stuck in the neck of a 2 litre plastic bottle with a hole cut in the side
- Sat Oct 09 20:56 Manhattan often becomes Manjátan (/h/ -> /j/ - voiceless velar fricative) in southern Spanish / Canarian / Latino dialect. Shown here in the Carmelo district of Barcelona, which one misses
- Sat Oct 09 22:22 medio pollico
- Sat Oct 09 22:26 The toddler decided to threaten passers-by with a tyrannosaurus ("Dinosaur eat pople"), so I had to mince along with her LOL Surprise bag on my arm. Disappointed at the reaction - the public has become decidedly less frisky since I hung up my pink ballgown
- Sun Oct 10 00:49 Historia de Barcelona, 10/10: #otd * 1589: Es condenado a muerte un curandero que quería sacar provecho de la peste (18) * 1630: Llevan a la Santa Madrona a la catedral para que llueva, y funciona (100) * 1843: El consúl Lesseps interviene en la Jamancia…
- Sun Oct 10 08:19 Musically speaking, Florence Price's principal achievement is to make Virgil Thomson look a genius, & the racial, sexual cult around her is commensurately more ridiculous than his. Use your ears, people
- Sun Oct 10 19:00 The Embassy Club is the new Woodstock: you can't all have been there
- Sun Oct 10 20:34 Re Edward Armitage's Retribution (atrocious Brit revenge for Indian atrocities at Cawnpore/Kanpur) at Leeds City Art Gallery: if the female Bengal tiger was intentional then it's not actually a simple rape narrative; & what does Britannia's butchness mean in these trans days?
- Sun Oct 10 20:38 What used to get me was that you'd meet a bunch of keepers burying the dead pheasants in a pit & they wouldn't let you take one home with you
- Mon Oct 11 00:55 Historia de Barcelona, 11/10: #otd * 1448: Rogativas públicas por las pestilencias (65) * 1570: Noticia de la llegada en Santander de Ana de Austria (18) * 1909: Sentencia en el juicio Ferrer (66) * 1918: Pla: Les persones de la meva edat –i fins i tot…
- Mon Oct 11 10:34 Mahler's Blumine, arranged for brass band
- Mon Oct 11 22:04 Historia de Barcelona, 12/10: #otd * 1497: Noticia de la muerte de Juan, único hijo de los Reyes Católicos (22) * 1778: El Reglamento y Aranceles Reales para el Comercio Libre de España a Indias acaba con el monopolio gaditano y abre los mercados…
- Tue Oct 12 08:20 The notion that women fart less in public, & that this is due to the emissive contortions their bowels undergo while weeing sitting down
- Tue Oct 12 11:06 Visit to the baby Jesus today at the convent chapel, inherited from the Methodists some time since. Iconography is pretty low church, always good to see Henry VIII's martyrs, Thomas More & John Fisher. Curiously one room is still called after John Wesley, admittedly a curious man
- Tue Oct 12 12:47 Does the extraneous use of honorifics in brass banding come from the evangelical churches or from American jazz?
- Tue Oct 12 13:11 The Spanish think that time theft is unique to them
- Tue Oct 12 22:10 Historia de Barcelona, 13/10: #otd * 1652: La capitulación de Barcelona pone fin a la Sublevación de Cataluña (17) * 1822: Evicción e incarcelación de los capuchinos con pretexto anticlerical y para favorecer intereses inmobiliarios (490+74) * 1843: La…
- Wed Oct 13 08:22 Old story still doing the rounds: Donald Gibson, architect of Coventry's post-war rebuild, sat in some kind of high place during the Blitz, celebrating each bomb
- Wed Oct 13 08:24 Comment: New fallacy, related to the old one that Germany benefited from mass destruction (coz new-build=better): let's lure China into bombarding our Victorian terraces so we can build back greener
- Wed Oct 13 19:26 Chinatown, My Chinatown, arranged for brass band: PDF downloads
- Wed Oct 13 22:14 Historia de Barcelona, 14/10: #otd * 1310: Muere Blanca de Nápoles, esposa de Jaime II (13) * 1436: La Cofadría de los Algodoneros de Barcelona se hace con la Espada de San Martín (456+2) * 1819: Antoni Brusi establece la primera prensa litográfica (9) *…
- Thu Oct 14 11:13 Tesco seems to be the last resort for delivery drivers who don't feel the job involves delivery, but on the plus side they're always way ahead of schedule
- Thu Oct 14 22:31 Historia de Barcelona, 15/10: #otd * 1562: Barcelona de nuevo bajo dominación castellana (176) * 1718: Felipe V firma las ordenanzas del ayuntamiento borbónico, separando la justicia de la administración (0+44) * 1759: Llega desde Nápoles el nuevo rey de…
- Fri Oct 15 16:49 Comment: @ibexsalad Hey, but the UK transport minister said this morning that there would be food at Christmas
- Fri Oct 15 22:32 Historia de Barcelona, 16/10: #otd * 1843: La Jamancia: falta carne (276) * 1918: Pla: Pluja * ☼ 07:03-18:10, 11:07 horas; ☾ luna menguante, iluminación 49,38%, antigüedad 22 días * ✞ Beltrán de Comminges, Eduviges, Gerardo Mayela, Guillermo el…
- Sat Oct 16 22:39 Historia de Barcelona, 17/10: #otd * 1472: Juan II de Aragón toma Barcelona (10) * 1826: Disturbios en Barcelona (151) * 1843: La Jamancia: todavía falta carne, un escape con mucha suerte (502) * 1909: Procesados cuatro franceses por quema de conventos…
- Sun Oct 17 22:40 Historia de Barcelona, 18/10: #otd * 1536: Empieza construcción del edificio del Estudi General (25+24) * 1687: El Consejo de Ciento entrega una carta a la Virgen de la Merced pidiendo liberación de una plaga de langostas (765+5) * 1837: Vuelta de la…
- Mon Oct 18 23:24 Historia de Barcelona, 19/10: #otd * 1843: La Jamancia: entran mujeres para buscar ropa, expropiaciones (246) * 1907: Fundación del periódico Solidaridad Obrera (7) * 1919: Pla: La meteorologia d’octubre, a Barcelona, és molt diversa, d’una varietat…
- Tue Oct 19 07:32 Apparently I am naive to check the Tesco order when it arrives, return damaged goods & report missing ones, to the frustration of the driver: normal practice is to wait till after the driver has hurried off, keen to get through his deliveries, & then misreport 10% missing/damaged
- Tue Oct 19 11:46 RT @YouGov: Britons are clueless on the relative effectiveness of things they could do to cut carbon Brits think green lightbulbs save mor…
- Tue Oct 19 23:40 Historia de Barcelona, 20/10: #otd * 1525: Principio de las negociaciones tras la batalla de Pavía (36) * 1629: Al consejo y al gobernador les cuesta parar una batalla entre los soldados de las galeras de España y "los paysanos" (875+117) * 1843: La…
- Wed Oct 20 16:53 Dutchmen falling over laughing at the idea that a chaotic country with an elderly, poorly maintained, poorly insulated housing stock & insufficient electricity backup (Hinkley etc.?) will even attempt to achieve the heat pump target set by a wayward columnist
- Wed Oct 20 19:24 The toddler appears to realise that Masha is her mirror, just figuring out who she thinks the bear is
- Wed Oct 20 23:47 Historia de Barcelona, 21/10: #otd * 1821: Muere Josep Pau Ballot de la fiebre amarilla (13) * 1843: La Jamancia: comida y corrupción (532) * 1845: Ensayo de alumbrado de gas en la fachada de la Capitanía General (195+1240/i) * 1918: Pla: J * ☼…
- Thu Oct 21 07:24 Comment: An estate agent: Follow the money. An insistence on heat pumps (in which relevant Tories presumably already have individual financial stakes) may knock 25K off the price of Victorian terraces in Headingley, but it will benefit the new-build developers (who finance the Tories)
- Thu Oct 21 08:02 RT @RajaKorman: Very surprised to learn that the German for enfant terrible is not Bratwurst.
- Thu Oct 21 08:04 How do you feel about Somerset?
- Thu Oct 21 19:23 Two toddlers at the gallery, diligently doing the staircases etc. Comes a smiling lady: "If you're looking for somewhere else, try Park Square, where the barristers go (though it's true there's no playground), and there's a café nearby." "We rather liked the look of your café."
- Thu Oct 21 23:54 Historia de Barcelona, 22/10: #otd * 1511: Imprimidas las Concordie Apothecariorum Barchinone (211+78) * 1748: Prohibición de capas largas, monteras y sombreros gachos (30+439) * 1843: La Jamancia: mucha artillería (759) * 1899: Primer entrenamiento de…
- Fri Oct 22 23:58 Historia de Barcelona, 23/10: #otd * 1492: Llegan los Reyes Católicos tras la toma de Granada para negociar con Francia la devolución del Rosellón y la Cerdaña (21) * 1836: Sale en la prensa francesa la primera versión del cuento del librero asesino de…
- Sun Oct 24 00:05 Historia de Barcelona, 24/10: #otd * ~1576: Salen en procesión 50 peones hacia El Escorial con el Cristo de Benvenuto Cellini, muy supuestamente (144+157) * 1639: Dios rescata a los franceses de un fallido intento de levantar el cerco de Salses…
- Mon Oct 25 00:15 Historia de Barcelona, 25/10: #otd * 1843: La Jamancia: falta carne, asesinatos, una huida (148+681) * 1846: Celebraciones de la boda de Isabel II (23) * 1919: Pla: He llegit aquests dies a la Biblioteca de l’Ateneu molts articles de Joan Sardà,…
- Mon Oct 25 09:13 Advice for men who love children but loathe dogs, when confronted by women of the opposing tendency: arrive home on Friday night disguised as a dachshund, & dress any progeny accordingly. The wolves pulled off something analogous with Romulus and Remus
- Mon Oct 25 19:02 Comment: @Transblawg 66% think London is in Romford
- Tue Oct 26 00:20 Historia de Barcelona, 26/10: #otd * 1816: Funerales para Mariano Álvarez de Castro, defensor de Gerona (40) * 1843: La Jamancia: nada de carne, deserciones, incompetencia militar (301) * 1846: Instálase la sociedad de Amigos de las bellas artes (10) *…
- Tue Oct 26 05:02 "London, you know, has a great belly, but no palate, nor taste of right and wrong"
- Tue Oct 26 11:24 Someone just delivered a pumpkin, unclear whether it's a Halloween gift from Babylon or HM Gov coming good on its promise of food for all this Xmas
- Tue Oct 26 11:36 Comment: @ibexsalad The Poo Party just voted in favour
- Tue Oct 26 18:44 Comment: @Transblawg Is the mayor of Havering still Gollum?
- Tue Oct 26 18:56 Two monkeys in the bath: - Ooh ooh, aah aah - Try the cold tap
- Tue Oct 26 19:28 Comment: @Transblawg Sounds like a bit of a naughty boy
- Tue Oct 26 21:10 Comment: @Transblawg Half the volume of a Lea summer, but the toddler is very impressed with her efforts, and spots the brambles a mile off, so all worthwhile
- Wed Oct 27 00:24 Historia de Barcelona, 27/10: #otd * 1843: La Jamancia: poca fusilería, preparaciones consejo de guerra, ejecución (267) * 1899: Estado de guerra declarado en Barcelona (17) * 1918: Pla: Excursió al mas que els germans Frigola (Enric i Octavi) tenen a…
- Wed Oct 27 18:31 - By storing the hot rods and police cars and fire engines in the dinosaur box, aren't you encouraging her to believe in the coexistence of them and humans? - "Go to bed or the dinosaurs will eat you" is the only thing that still works.
- Thu Oct 28 00:32 Historia de Barcelona, 28/10: #otd * 1473: Una procesión triunfal oculta el fracasado intento de Juan II de recuperar Rosellón y Cerdaña (37) * 1513: Nuestra Señora de Montserrat frustra a una banda de asesinos delante del Portal Nuevo (608) * 1760: La…
- Thu Oct 28 07:32 Comment: @TerryMcGinnUK @theHREgroup @ncedigital @NationalHways @CharlotteV Because the news is occupied by the cladding scandal. No, wait...
- Thu Oct 28 07:35 A local lessor of scholastic slums says in its window, "It won't be you doing the walk of shame," which I thought meant going home the next day with vomit on your coat. Curious: agents often lie, but are very rarely unclear.
- Fri Oct 29 00:35 Historia de Barcelona, 29/10: #otd * 1558: Exequias de Carlos I (27) * 1568: Exequias de Isabel de Valois, esposa de Felipe II (12) * 1841: Empieza el derribo de la ciudadela (110+553/i) * 1843: La Jamancia: llegan voluntarios del Llobregat,…
- Fri Oct 29 10:34 Gasman knocks on the Turks' door to check the installation. They're too busy, & a couple of hours later depart with lots of suitcases. No explosion yet.
- Fri Oct 29 10:35 Best index of the developing independence of a toddler is the state of their knees
- Fri Oct 29 21:39 Caking in Sheffield villages in 1981. The linked photo by Homer Sykes is great
- Sat Oct 30 00:37 Historia de Barcelona, 30/10: #otd * 1571: Llegan noticias de Lepanto. Inscripciones flamencas en el bastón de mando de Juan de Austria, y su culto local (22+495) * 1686: Nevada seguida de intensas lluvias (0) * 1806: Una "bruja" de la Barceloneta,…
- Sun Oct 31 00:43 Historia de Barcelona, 31/10: #otd * 1459: Una gran pedriscada deja la ciudad blanca (0) * 1821: Estragos de la fiebre amarilla debidos a la falta de cuarentena (320/i) * 1843: La Jamancia: peleas sobre carne, crece el derrotismo (436) * 1847: Fundación…
- Sun Oct 31 12:07 Cops: We've got 100K from above to build a fence along all the back gardens to stop burglars & perverts coming out of the woods. Group 1: Yes please. Group 2: What about the wildlife. Cops: OK, we'll only build the fence behind those properties that want it.
- Sun Oct 31 20:19 Some hated Fawley, but for those wandering the Downs it was a great landmark. Wonder what will power the new homes.
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