El meu menjar favorit nadalenc és la xirivia rostida en una salsa de bolets. La xirivia és bastant barata aquí, perquè només es dóna a les vaques. En Agricultura elemental española (Madrid, 1933) José Dantín Cereceda va escriure: 410. Chirivía.- La chirivía (Pastinaca sativa L.), con sus dos variedades P. s., var.edulis, y P. S.,…
On Saturday evening a 61-year old publican shot two Portuguese gypsies dead from the balcony of his flat in Terrassa for parking their Ford Transit opposite and sitting around drinking and playing the electric organ. A policeman here once threatened to arrest me for doing roughly the same, but this is Douglas Adams in So…
When I was small I used to hang around a container port, hoping to be picked up by a passing pirate ship, and it is with a similar contempt for danger that I now traipse across Spanish building sites. Unfortunately, signs like the one on the left are generally an indication that (legally speaking) the…
Això és la llista dels llibres que més s’estan venent dins el grup específic de codis postals que constitueix Microsoft. Es diu un purchase circle e hi ha mes aquí. A Anchorage (Alaska) es llegeix sobre escapar, viatjar, sobreviure, els gossos y Microsoft .Net. Via Scobleizer.
I’m just trying to work out what will now happen to the hypothetical French girl whose parents tattoo “Dubya is Love” on her forehead at birth. Will she be able to attend school normally, or will she have to wear the hijab? An interesting interim solution would be to let everyone wear what the hell…
My impression is that there’s still a lot of it going on here – banking regulation seems lax and there’s always someone who’ll turn a blind eye – but here’s a technique I don’t remember coming across before in the gambling industry: offering to pay lottery winners a premium in order to be able to…
Ms Tilden-Davis was in Howling 4, so she should have known what to expect. (Early reports quote Ms TD being lifted onto the stretcher saying: “What looked like nothing more than a harmless ripple turned out to be a full-blown crime wave.” The hippopotamus is undergoing treatment for a severe case of the groans.)
What with wars and everything, this is a turn-up for the books. The November poll (Word) of the national stats institute, the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas asked the Spanish people how much they liked Johnny Foreigner: a lot quite a lot a little not at all don’t know didn’t answer Americans 4.9 35.0 32.2…