who cares if languages die out?

From Sri Lanka’s Daily News: In a message to the first celebration [of International Mother Language Day in 2000] United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said “the Day raises awareness among all peoples regarding the value of languages.” He called for increased efforts to conserve languages as a shared heritage of humanity. A brief examination of…

Shagging with wolves

Bad news for Basque neo-Nazi thugs hoping to meet in remote places with Catalan wuzzocks: you may get eaten by a wolf. Examination of dead sheep and of mounds of poo – yep, that’s the romance of life as a forestry agent – suggests that there’s a young Italian male specimen loose in the Cadí-Moixeró…

sagrada família finished!

Sez Christina Foerch in Lebanon’s Daily Star: Gaudi became obsessed with the church and concentrated all his energy on it. In 1926, he was hit by a car and died three days later at the age of 74. However, construction continued on the church and it was finally completed in 1987. Christina must mean “finished”…

getting better most of the time

Cockroach-eye view of the choir up to the usual nonsense in a garage in Sants: We’re still looking for a good tenor and more sponsorship – apparently the full video is crashing mailservers all over Korea, so Samsung, this is your chance. Contact me on my mobile or use the form. Creds to al-Ben for…