Mr Sánchez

There’s a lot of coverage in both the Spanish and the English press of the tragic death of 19-year old Adán Sánchez. has a short tribute, along with audio and QT footage of the man and many other fine artists. You won’t believe me, but I originally got into this stuff while wearing a variety of strange costumes and covering polkas, waltzes and other stuff by the kings, Ernst Mosch und seine Egerländer Musikanten. People like Mosch weren’t going anywhere in particular, but Sánchez (musically speaking Mosch’s xth cousin, y times removed, and that’s still stretching it) was changing things, and it’s a great shame to see him go.

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  1. Interesting stuff. I read a couple of articles on Adan Sanchez and his tragic death. How did you find out about this scene?

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